I spent a few days this week with a young man from our church in the capitol city of San Jose. He really encouraged me as we worked alongside each other for three days. We prayed together and shared our lives with one another as we spent time in the house of his family.
You may be wondering, "what is that in the photo?" Well...that is a hot water heater for the shower. Yes...the wires and the breaker are in the shower with you while you bathe. It takes great faith and trust in the Lord to be on the ground here full-time. Many lives are being touched here, but probably ours just as much. We sincerely appreciate your prayers - now more than ever do I realize their importance for missionaries out in foreign fields!
Two weeks from today we will wake up in another country. It feels crazy...but exciting all at the same time!
Our house is sold, my truck has sold, and yesterday we sold Brigit's car - thankfully, my friend who is buying it is going to allow us to drive it until the day before we leave. While in the word this morning, the Lord really impressed a scripture on my heart: "He (Abraham) did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. And therefore "it was accounted to him fo righteousness."" Romans 4:20-22 When each of us faces a time in life when we need to see God come through in amazing ways, we MUST be FULLY CONVINCED that He will fulfill His promises to us. So this morning, I am fully convinced that the Lord is going to provide EVERYTHING we need to fulfill His will in Costa Rica - and I believe that He will do the same for you! ![]() It has been a CRAZY weekend - it just so happens that the weekend the Lord moves for us to be able to begin the actual process of relocating is the same weekend as our community garage sale. Now...I am not a fan of garage sales, but when you need to get rid of a bunch of stuff in a hurry and want to make a few bucks in the process, it's not a bad gig. His timing was perfect! One amazing thing that happened on Friday was that a total stranger came by to shop. Once she heard why we were moving, she handed Brigit a check for $500 to help us with our relocation - SIMPLY UNBELIEVABLE!!! We have so many things to do before our departure at the end of July, but I know that God is going to be faithful. Our major prayer requests are that we can find the right vehicle and house in Costa Rica for our family - so please stand with us for this to come to pass! (We still need $12,000 to come in to get our truck.) Thank you all so much for your encouraging words over the weekend; we sincerely appreciate them! I have learned this week that we need to learn God's ways, not "how" He does things.
As a guy, I am always ready to jump in and fix things - you know what I mean...determine the logical process and repeat it to get the desired result. Well, the Lord doesn't work like that. He rarely does the same thing twice the exact same way - I guess that is what keeps our relationship alive and interesting! He proved Himself again to me this weekend in unique and beautiful ways. I know that His timing is perfect. Walk with Him today doing your best to be obedient down to the little things - blessings are truly in store for you! |
Scott & Brigit BogardFounders of Touch of Fire Ministries, Inc. based out of Greenwood, Indiana. Here are some links to some of our favorite books!
~ The Challenge of Missions (the BEST book on world missions we have every read!) ~ The End of America (I know it sounds bleak, but it is worth the read - end times type book) Archives
March 2013