In case you didn't hear, I (Scott) had a serious run-in with a sting-ray. After hours of excruciating pain, I am left only with a scare and a little nerve damage.
That same night, we had a snake show up in our living room. It was a crazy day. At the end of it all, we know that God is good, and faithful. I pray you have a safe New Year's Eve - may the Lord richly bless you in 2013!
An ode to my friend Will Osgood...recently he told me that when we are in the center of God's will, everything we do is His bill. Love that!
Brigit and I have been diligently speaking scripture over our lives and ministry in regard to His provision for the school (James 3). Tonight we had another $500 donation for the school! Wow! We still have a way to go, but we are getting closer to hitting our goals - thank you Jesus! The photo below is from our "rancho" here in Costa Rica. From here, we can overlook the south end of town. I believe that God gave us this house to rent in this strategic location for a purpose. He wants the "heart" of Uvita turned toward Him; and we get to have a part in that! From this spot, we can pray for the people of the city on a regular basis. We have declared that Uvita belongs to Jesus Christ!
We are taking a few days to rest after our whirlwind trip to the US. It was wonderful to see family and friends - hard to believe we had already been gone for five months. The only disappointment is that we did not get see everyone on our list... We are getting more interest in the school daily. I received an email last night from Donald & Cristy (the other missionaries down here who are going to help with UCA) that another family in town has interest in sending their daughter! We know that The Lord is in this school! I want to send out a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who are praying for the school and who have given financially. I promise that you are storing up treasures in heaven. The lives that are going to be forever touched by the hand of God through UCA are going to be many - and it is because you are making it possible! THANK YOU! All our love from Costa Rica! We had a great time yesterday with some dear pastors. It is so important for one generation to pass on God's wisdom to the next.
We are forever grateful for our relationship with Pastor Jim and Susie Day. I have been believing for a new laptop for a long time - today I have it!
Thank you Jesus (and our ministry partners) for our new computer. We are already putting it hard to work! Have a great week - we will update more later...we are working on many things for our school in Costa Rica from Indiana - but we will be ready to hit the ground running once we get back! For now, working remotely and enjoying family and friends...God bless you! We just spent a couple of days with our sister school in Ciudad Neily. What an amazing time with incredible people!
We are so pumped to take the information we learned and to implement it in our school in February! Starting the journey home tomorrow - please pray for smooth safe travel! Please pray for our friend who gave her life to Jesus a couple of weeks ago.
She told me this morning that she is going to check herself into a rehab center on Friday to get clean from alcohol. I am sure it is a good program, but she needs the Lord's help too! I told her that she is a STRONG person for doing this - she just needs prayer and support from the Body of Christ. Please join Brigit and I as we stand with her through this time in her life. Blessings to you all! I wish I could just talk into this app and it would post everything I say - there is simply not enough time in a week to keep you guys up to date!
We just sent out an email from TOFM with the most current updates - hopefully you received it. Our biggest praise report is that the Lord has provided us with a new Mac laptop!! We are so thankful! Please keep our travels in your prayers as we head head to the US Dec 11-24th - we hope to see you during our trip home! |
Scott & Brigit BogardFounders of Touch of Fire Ministries, Inc. based out of Greenwood, Indiana. Here are some links to some of our favorite books!
~ The Challenge of Missions (the BEST book on world missions we have every read!) ~ The End of America (I know it sounds bleak, but it is worth the read - end times type book) Archives
March 2013