nepal update - april 5, 2016
Dear Respected Pastor, Scott D.Bogard,
Warm Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Re. Reports from Grace Church Ministries, Nepal
How are you? We pray and hope that you are fine there. We have missed you. Because of we have not communicate each other for a long time. We would like to hear from you. We are all churches members are fine in Nepal and continuing living and walking and serving the Lord in Nepal. Please do not forget us and please pray for us. Please write to us when you convenient times. We need your prayer supports and encouragements in the Lord Jesus. We are serving the Lord from our hearts as Holy Spirit leading us. It is good to visit different places of Nepal because of it is seams normal situation in Nepal. India has opened boarder from Blockage and but still some lack of fuel. It will be normal soon as we hope now. We had suffered a lot in those with lack of things and fuel specially in Kathmandu as normal people like us.
I would like to send some reports from our village churches, where I go to encourage them and teach them.You may read them followings.
I went last some weeks to village churches in different places, to encourage them. Our village churches are fine too. All the members of our village churches are fine. they are living and walking in the Lord by the Spirit of God even though there are some of lack of somethings in those places after blockaded by the Indian Government. Now, opened but still takes time to be normal as before. Means there are still lack of cooking gases. Other things seems better now. We have to encourage them and teach them from the Word of God.
The churches are repaired and some are going to repair soon.:- There are some churches houses which were cracked by the earthquakes but now repaired and having church services continuing. Some churches are supposed to repair but still unable to repair.
Earthquakes affected families of Pokhara, are living in Pigs form house. They have hot with tents but storm blew all tent house last some week ago. Now, they found one of empty pigs house, they moved that house. So, we would like to pray for those churches members and their situation to the Lord. Because of some of them, we found that there are still suffering some families in Pokhara. They do not have jobs there and some of them they go to works as labors but they do not have regular jobs to earn and eat food. They are moved to Pokhara for surviving lives with families, after earthquakes and landslides. We like to send those families how are they living in Pokhara near our church. Pastor Kar Lama is taking care them and encouraging them as he could do there. You may pray for them for their lack of food. You may see the photos how they are living in pig form house. Many families are living in this house. They have some children but they have difficult to send them to school because of they are unable pay school fees also.
They do not want to go back to their villages because of they lost some members of families and injured by the earthquakes and landslide in the Hill area of North Nepal near Himalayan. They do not have houses and lands also destroyed by the earthquakes and landslides so, they would like to stay in Pokhara for surviving with families for the sake of their children etc.
Please pray for orphans good future whom we are taking care for their good future. Now, our orphans are finished their final exams and waiting their results and want to be promoted for next classes soon. There some orphans in the village churches and want to accept them for their shelter and fooding and schooling in our children home but we do not have enough sponsor for those orphans.
Thank you very much for your kind love and care by sending some supports for them with some gifts etc. they are very happy with you and pray for you.
There are some helpless widows in village churches:- When I visited those village churches, I have found many helpless widows in those villages. We may pray for their needs for surviving. God may show us how we could help them. It is a challenging for us how could we help them.
There is one widow named Faguni Rai who is suffering with paralyses sick. She has a daughter, she takes her but she could not go to work and earn money because of she has to take care in hospital in Kathmandu. The landlord of her house room, did not allow her to keep mother in house (rented room). Because of Hindu people do not let any body to die in their house. The hospital bill is big bills for her. Please pray for her.
One of old man named Shyam Khadgi also very old and sick now. Who could not walk and lying on bed. Daughter is alone who is rejected by husband and she missed job. Looking job now. His relatives do not take care him. Means never came to see him. Please pray for God for him.
Please pray for trip to West of Nepal for 11 days tomorrow. I am going to visit those churches and encourage them. I will visit three places, named Surkhet, Salyan and Pyutha. I will meet many pastors and leaders there and encourage them and teach them. So, please pray for my safe journey.
After come back from West of Nepal. I will visit East of Nepal's churches, of places are Dhalkebar, Damak, Panchathar, Taplejung Districts.
Then Mid areas of Nepal's churches of villages. I would like to visit all our churches before rainy season starts. Please pray for Nepal.
Thank you for your prayer and support to our ministries. I hope you will response me. My Mobile No. is changed now. You may call me this no. 977-9843802443 if would like to talk on phone. If you would like see some photos I will send some of them. Thank you. I am waiting to hear from you.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church,
P.O.Box 8975, EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Warm Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Re. Reports from Grace Church Ministries, Nepal
How are you? We pray and hope that you are fine there. We have missed you. Because of we have not communicate each other for a long time. We would like to hear from you. We are all churches members are fine in Nepal and continuing living and walking and serving the Lord in Nepal. Please do not forget us and please pray for us. Please write to us when you convenient times. We need your prayer supports and encouragements in the Lord Jesus. We are serving the Lord from our hearts as Holy Spirit leading us. It is good to visit different places of Nepal because of it is seams normal situation in Nepal. India has opened boarder from Blockage and but still some lack of fuel. It will be normal soon as we hope now. We had suffered a lot in those with lack of things and fuel specially in Kathmandu as normal people like us.
I would like to send some reports from our village churches, where I go to encourage them and teach them.You may read them followings.
I went last some weeks to village churches in different places, to encourage them. Our village churches are fine too. All the members of our village churches are fine. they are living and walking in the Lord by the Spirit of God even though there are some of lack of somethings in those places after blockaded by the Indian Government. Now, opened but still takes time to be normal as before. Means there are still lack of cooking gases. Other things seems better now. We have to encourage them and teach them from the Word of God.
The churches are repaired and some are going to repair soon.:- There are some churches houses which were cracked by the earthquakes but now repaired and having church services continuing. Some churches are supposed to repair but still unable to repair.
Earthquakes affected families of Pokhara, are living in Pigs form house. They have hot with tents but storm blew all tent house last some week ago. Now, they found one of empty pigs house, they moved that house. So, we would like to pray for those churches members and their situation to the Lord. Because of some of them, we found that there are still suffering some families in Pokhara. They do not have jobs there and some of them they go to works as labors but they do not have regular jobs to earn and eat food. They are moved to Pokhara for surviving lives with families, after earthquakes and landslides. We like to send those families how are they living in Pokhara near our church. Pastor Kar Lama is taking care them and encouraging them as he could do there. You may pray for them for their lack of food. You may see the photos how they are living in pig form house. Many families are living in this house. They have some children but they have difficult to send them to school because of they are unable pay school fees also.
They do not want to go back to their villages because of they lost some members of families and injured by the earthquakes and landslide in the Hill area of North Nepal near Himalayan. They do not have houses and lands also destroyed by the earthquakes and landslides so, they would like to stay in Pokhara for surviving with families for the sake of their children etc.
Please pray for orphans good future whom we are taking care for their good future. Now, our orphans are finished their final exams and waiting their results and want to be promoted for next classes soon. There some orphans in the village churches and want to accept them for their shelter and fooding and schooling in our children home but we do not have enough sponsor for those orphans.
Thank you very much for your kind love and care by sending some supports for them with some gifts etc. they are very happy with you and pray for you.
There are some helpless widows in village churches:- When I visited those village churches, I have found many helpless widows in those villages. We may pray for their needs for surviving. God may show us how we could help them. It is a challenging for us how could we help them.
There is one widow named Faguni Rai who is suffering with paralyses sick. She has a daughter, she takes her but she could not go to work and earn money because of she has to take care in hospital in Kathmandu. The landlord of her house room, did not allow her to keep mother in house (rented room). Because of Hindu people do not let any body to die in their house. The hospital bill is big bills for her. Please pray for her.
One of old man named Shyam Khadgi also very old and sick now. Who could not walk and lying on bed. Daughter is alone who is rejected by husband and she missed job. Looking job now. His relatives do not take care him. Means never came to see him. Please pray for God for him.
Please pray for trip to West of Nepal for 11 days tomorrow. I am going to visit those churches and encourage them. I will visit three places, named Surkhet, Salyan and Pyutha. I will meet many pastors and leaders there and encourage them and teach them. So, please pray for my safe journey.
After come back from West of Nepal. I will visit East of Nepal's churches, of places are Dhalkebar, Damak, Panchathar, Taplejung Districts.
Then Mid areas of Nepal's churches of villages. I would like to visit all our churches before rainy season starts. Please pray for Nepal.
Thank you for your prayer and support to our ministries. I hope you will response me. My Mobile No. is changed now. You may call me this no. 977-9843802443 if would like to talk on phone. If you would like see some photos I will send some of them. Thank you. I am waiting to hear from you.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church,
P.O.Box 8975, EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Nepal update - NOVEMBER 22. 2015
Dear Respected Pastor Scott D.Bogard,
How are you? We have still good contact with our all village churches. All the Pastors, Leaders, and Christian Brothers and Sisters are all fine here spiritually in the Lord Jesus Christ but in physically we are still suffering with lack of things like gasoline, cooking gas and all expensive things now here in Nepal because of India has blockade against Nepal until now. We are still walking in the Lord and serving the Lord whatever situation here in Nepal. We are wondering what is going to happen here in Nepal after Big and many earthquakes disasters, now we are suffering in lack of things. Whoever we meet our friends we can see them, they seems as sad and worrying for the things.
Traveling us difficult from one place to other places: There are difficult to travel one place to other place because of public buses and taxi are too expensive for common people. The passengers are hanging on buses, windows means too much packed.
There are thousands of India-Nepal boarders people are strikes against government of Nepal every day. Nepal government people of Nepal are saying the Indian government has supporting and also have been sending hidden Indian people to fight with Nepal. Those strikers have attached to buses, carrier trucks and Ambulances and petrol tankers. They shoot the petrol bombs at the carrying trucks which were carrying very important medicines and destroyed all. The sick people are dying without treatments in hospitals, specially those who needs operation, and other kind of sick's. . The schools have closed until now in those areas. There are shortage important medicines in the markets and hospital.
They do not allow to let enter the any trucks, tanker to Capital city of Kathmandu. The internal air flights also reduced because of air gasoline. All the things which are entering to Nepal, those things are big black markets. The government people and political leaders have not suffering but we common people like us, are big lack and suffering every day. Specially for the cooking gas. The government does not supply enough electricity. They have already started load shading. Many poor people are going to die near future if the situation is continuing like this.
The Strikers are making worse and worse situations day by day in these days. There are still strikes and boarder blockade from Indian. We can see every where still shortage of gasoline and fooding in the markets of Nepal.
Please pray for these orphans needs:- We are taking care orphans here but in this situation, They are still going to school and having good classes regular in school until now. But we are worrying for them what to do these orphans and how to feed these orphans? The things are getting more expensive in these days, if the long times like this, it will be more difficult to provide foods easily.
Please pray for those labour workers of our church members:- There are more church members who are working labour jobs in constructions, factories and other private company. Some of them have lost their jobs because of strikes and India blockade. They have lost because of materials are not available in the markets.
The earthquakes affected families are still more suffering who lost their houses. They are still on tents. Those people are still more suffering with food and other things. Government is still not helping them. The government, who received big relief funds foreign countries, are still not distributing or not helping them.
Black Markets are growing more now: The most daily use things markets are growing which are too expensive which are available hidden. For example: Petrol is Rs. 500 rupees per liter and gas are Rs.7000 per cylinder. Normal is petrol is 104 rupees per liter and gas is Rs.1500 per cylinder. We are wondering how they bring to Nepal and sell them in black markets? But common people like us we do not know how and where we can get them.
Fire wood:- Nowadays government is selling some firewood Rs. 15 rupees per Kg. in two or three places, but it is far for the people how to carry those woods to bring house. They provide 100 kg per family, but how to bring to houses those who lives vary far from those places. No, motor are available for that to bring them. If motor is available, it is too much expensive transportation.
So, I have shared these entire situations for our prayer items. Please pray for us and for Nepal. We do not have what to share and how to share our prayer items with you. Thank you very much for your kind prayers for us.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church, Kathmandu, Nepal
How are you? We have still good contact with our all village churches. All the Pastors, Leaders, and Christian Brothers and Sisters are all fine here spiritually in the Lord Jesus Christ but in physically we are still suffering with lack of things like gasoline, cooking gas and all expensive things now here in Nepal because of India has blockade against Nepal until now. We are still walking in the Lord and serving the Lord whatever situation here in Nepal. We are wondering what is going to happen here in Nepal after Big and many earthquakes disasters, now we are suffering in lack of things. Whoever we meet our friends we can see them, they seems as sad and worrying for the things.
Traveling us difficult from one place to other places: There are difficult to travel one place to other place because of public buses and taxi are too expensive for common people. The passengers are hanging on buses, windows means too much packed.
There are thousands of India-Nepal boarders people are strikes against government of Nepal every day. Nepal government people of Nepal are saying the Indian government has supporting and also have been sending hidden Indian people to fight with Nepal. Those strikers have attached to buses, carrier trucks and Ambulances and petrol tankers. They shoot the petrol bombs at the carrying trucks which were carrying very important medicines and destroyed all. The sick people are dying without treatments in hospitals, specially those who needs operation, and other kind of sick's. . The schools have closed until now in those areas. There are shortage important medicines in the markets and hospital.
They do not allow to let enter the any trucks, tanker to Capital city of Kathmandu. The internal air flights also reduced because of air gasoline. All the things which are entering to Nepal, those things are big black markets. The government people and political leaders have not suffering but we common people like us, are big lack and suffering every day. Specially for the cooking gas. The government does not supply enough electricity. They have already started load shading. Many poor people are going to die near future if the situation is continuing like this.
The Strikers are making worse and worse situations day by day in these days. There are still strikes and boarder blockade from Indian. We can see every where still shortage of gasoline and fooding in the markets of Nepal.
Please pray for these orphans needs:- We are taking care orphans here but in this situation, They are still going to school and having good classes regular in school until now. But we are worrying for them what to do these orphans and how to feed these orphans? The things are getting more expensive in these days, if the long times like this, it will be more difficult to provide foods easily.
Please pray for those labour workers of our church members:- There are more church members who are working labour jobs in constructions, factories and other private company. Some of them have lost their jobs because of strikes and India blockade. They have lost because of materials are not available in the markets.
The earthquakes affected families are still more suffering who lost their houses. They are still on tents. Those people are still more suffering with food and other things. Government is still not helping them. The government, who received big relief funds foreign countries, are still not distributing or not helping them.
Black Markets are growing more now: The most daily use things markets are growing which are too expensive which are available hidden. For example: Petrol is Rs. 500 rupees per liter and gas are Rs.7000 per cylinder. Normal is petrol is 104 rupees per liter and gas is Rs.1500 per cylinder. We are wondering how they bring to Nepal and sell them in black markets? But common people like us we do not know how and where we can get them.
Fire wood:- Nowadays government is selling some firewood Rs. 15 rupees per Kg. in two or three places, but it is far for the people how to carry those woods to bring house. They provide 100 kg per family, but how to bring to houses those who lives vary far from those places. No, motor are available for that to bring them. If motor is available, it is too much expensive transportation.
So, I have shared these entire situations for our prayer items. Please pray for us and for Nepal. We do not have what to share and how to share our prayer items with you. Thank you very much for your kind prayers for us.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church, Kathmandu, Nepal
Dear Respected Pastor Scott D.Bogard,
Re: India has blockaded to Nepal and we Nepali are suffering from lack of things as Gasoline and Cooking Gas, and other foods etc.
How are you? We have not communicated each other. We hope and pray that you are well. We would like to share our present situations of Nepal for your prayers items. We Nepalese are suffering from different ways until now this year since earthquakes disasters, floods, and landslides, and strikes for constitutions. Nowadays there is not earthquakes, flood, and landslides but political strikes and Indian Blockade are still continuing in Nepal. The political leaders are so making such troubles for Nepalese common people like us. Most of months are strikes from different parties, different people in Nepal. Nowadays the Terai People (Indian races people) means Madhesi people parties strikes more then 50 days until now. They have been closing the borders of Nepal and India 24 hours. they stopped to trucks and other vehicles to come Nepal with things foods, petrol, diesel, cooking gas, medicine and other daily use things. Since this situation the Indian Government Prime Minister Modi has blockade to Nepal.He do not let the things to come to Nepal. So, we Nepalese are suffering are suffering with lacks of things now for several weeks. The business people also hiding the things in markets gas etc and sell in high price hidden. Most of things are shortages in Nepal now. Also the industries and factories are also closed with lack of materials and gasoline etc. Labours of Nepal also loses jobs and suffering in Nepal.
The affected of blockade/strikes are very worse and most suffering. Government are giving little petrol and diesel to only for public buses, government vehicles only not for private motors and motorcycles. There are not enough buses on the road to travel to long distance. There is not available cooking gas to common people home and poor families of Kathmandu. We are all suffering these days. The foods are very expensive and shortage in Kathmandu.
We are using electric heater for some cooking food but there is a long loadshading. There is no electricity when we need to cooking etc. The electricity bill also very big.
Our present government are not doing to process soon to solve such things. the roads of Nepal and China boarders still blocked by earthquakes, landslides and not cleaned roads. So, China could not send the things to Nepal from China. Nepal is landlocked country, so India is controlling to Nepal according to their policies. When Nepal made "New Constitution" India and Terai areas People ( Indian races) of Nepal people are not happy and India encourage and support these people to do strikes and close boarders of Nepal and Indian. We thing that the New Nepali Constitution is not favorite for the Indian government.
Our churches: Our churches members are still fine in health but suffering a lot with lack of cooking gas. Hindus of Nepal and India are not happy and always against Christianity and Christians.
Our orphans: Our orphans are still fine and they are studying well and going to have a long holidays for festival soon. We are still feeding them and caring them well as we could do . Because of lack of cooking gas it is difficult for us and a bit worrying for them how to cook and feed them later. . If the cooking gas is not available, we have to start to cook with firewood soon. We have only one using gas cylinder. We finished all of them. I have already bought electric heater and rice cooker, but not electricity on time when we need. Please pray for Nepal to open the boarder blockade from Indian government soon.
The earthquakes season is over: I have rebuild my cracked house now, and doing painting works and living as normally as before. We have repaired church hall and having church services normally as before.
Thank all of you for your kind prayers and your practical helps to us. We are very very happy with you for your showing your love and care to us in practical ways in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We really appreciate all of you for your Goldy king hearts and love to us during the natural disasters time. God led you all of you by Holy Spirit. With our kind helps we are able to repair churches, houses and distribute sacks of rices those suffering people who were affected from earthquakes and landslides. Some families of village churches are suffering because of they lost houses and lands and moved from those villages to safe areas for surviving lives.
We may send all the photos later what we did and how we did help to those suffering people of Nepal. God may bless all of you in your family and your ministries.
Thank you. Please pray for Nepal.
In Him,
Pastor Thomas Rai
Grace Church and Ministries, Nepal
P.O.Box 8975, EPC.397,
Re: India has blockaded to Nepal and we Nepali are suffering from lack of things as Gasoline and Cooking Gas, and other foods etc.
How are you? We have not communicated each other. We hope and pray that you are well. We would like to share our present situations of Nepal for your prayers items. We Nepalese are suffering from different ways until now this year since earthquakes disasters, floods, and landslides, and strikes for constitutions. Nowadays there is not earthquakes, flood, and landslides but political strikes and Indian Blockade are still continuing in Nepal. The political leaders are so making such troubles for Nepalese common people like us. Most of months are strikes from different parties, different people in Nepal. Nowadays the Terai People (Indian races people) means Madhesi people parties strikes more then 50 days until now. They have been closing the borders of Nepal and India 24 hours. they stopped to trucks and other vehicles to come Nepal with things foods, petrol, diesel, cooking gas, medicine and other daily use things. Since this situation the Indian Government Prime Minister Modi has blockade to Nepal.He do not let the things to come to Nepal. So, we Nepalese are suffering are suffering with lacks of things now for several weeks. The business people also hiding the things in markets gas etc and sell in high price hidden. Most of things are shortages in Nepal now. Also the industries and factories are also closed with lack of materials and gasoline etc. Labours of Nepal also loses jobs and suffering in Nepal.
The affected of blockade/strikes are very worse and most suffering. Government are giving little petrol and diesel to only for public buses, government vehicles only not for private motors and motorcycles. There are not enough buses on the road to travel to long distance. There is not available cooking gas to common people home and poor families of Kathmandu. We are all suffering these days. The foods are very expensive and shortage in Kathmandu.
We are using electric heater for some cooking food but there is a long loadshading. There is no electricity when we need to cooking etc. The electricity bill also very big.
Our present government are not doing to process soon to solve such things. the roads of Nepal and China boarders still blocked by earthquakes, landslides and not cleaned roads. So, China could not send the things to Nepal from China. Nepal is landlocked country, so India is controlling to Nepal according to their policies. When Nepal made "New Constitution" India and Terai areas People ( Indian races) of Nepal people are not happy and India encourage and support these people to do strikes and close boarders of Nepal and Indian. We thing that the New Nepali Constitution is not favorite for the Indian government.
Our churches: Our churches members are still fine in health but suffering a lot with lack of cooking gas. Hindus of Nepal and India are not happy and always against Christianity and Christians.
Our orphans: Our orphans are still fine and they are studying well and going to have a long holidays for festival soon. We are still feeding them and caring them well as we could do . Because of lack of cooking gas it is difficult for us and a bit worrying for them how to cook and feed them later. . If the cooking gas is not available, we have to start to cook with firewood soon. We have only one using gas cylinder. We finished all of them. I have already bought electric heater and rice cooker, but not electricity on time when we need. Please pray for Nepal to open the boarder blockade from Indian government soon.
The earthquakes season is over: I have rebuild my cracked house now, and doing painting works and living as normally as before. We have repaired church hall and having church services normally as before.
Thank all of you for your kind prayers and your practical helps to us. We are very very happy with you for your showing your love and care to us in practical ways in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We really appreciate all of you for your Goldy king hearts and love to us during the natural disasters time. God led you all of you by Holy Spirit. With our kind helps we are able to repair churches, houses and distribute sacks of rices those suffering people who were affected from earthquakes and landslides. Some families of village churches are suffering because of they lost houses and lands and moved from those villages to safe areas for surviving lives.
We may send all the photos later what we did and how we did help to those suffering people of Nepal. God may bless all of you in your family and your ministries.
Thank you. Please pray for Nepal.
In Him,
Pastor Thomas Rai
Grace Church and Ministries, Nepal
P.O.Box 8975, EPC.397,
Dear Respected Pastor Scott D.Bogard,
Thank you for your email to me. Yes, it is very wonderful and scaring earthquakes in Nepal for us. We also wondering what is happening here in Nepal. it is a bit less earthquakes nowadays, today about 2 pm also there was small earthquakes. Our earthquakes detector was ringing at that time and we woke up and also we woke up our orphans and run away from our ground floor to out of gate.
Now we move our house and staying ground floor with making ready to run away seems like this situation. We do all this specially our orphans children to protect.
Orphans school are started since last Wednesday but blind hostel is not open yet because of repairing that. It will start from coming Sunday. Then will bring Sangita Rai there.
Please pray for us. Now I am a bit worry how to rebuild my house. Workers also very expensive and also we can not get them they have job every where and also they charged wages Mason Rs.1500 hundred per day. and labour charges Rs.1000 per day. Also we not get them.
I have not started to rebuild the house. Still need much budgets. I have to take some loans to rebuild completing. Please pray for us.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church, Nepal
Thank you for your email to me. Yes, it is very wonderful and scaring earthquakes in Nepal for us. We also wondering what is happening here in Nepal. it is a bit less earthquakes nowadays, today about 2 pm also there was small earthquakes. Our earthquakes detector was ringing at that time and we woke up and also we woke up our orphans and run away from our ground floor to out of gate.
Now we move our house and staying ground floor with making ready to run away seems like this situation. We do all this specially our orphans children to protect.
Orphans school are started since last Wednesday but blind hostel is not open yet because of repairing that. It will start from coming Sunday. Then will bring Sangita Rai there.
Please pray for us. Now I am a bit worry how to rebuild my house. Workers also very expensive and also we can not get them they have job every where and also they charged wages Mason Rs.1500 hundred per day. and labour charges Rs.1000 per day. Also we not get them.
I have not started to rebuild the house. Still need much budgets. I have to take some loans to rebuild completing. Please pray for us.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church, Nepal
NEPAL Update - May 29, 2015
Dear Respected Pastor Scott D.Bogard,
Ward Greetings from your our family and churches,
I am very happy to write you now. I was out of Kathmandu and visiting different parts of Nepal. Now I came back to Kathmandu, Nepal safely. We appreciate you a lot from you for your kind help from your kind Godly heart to us.We thank you from our bottom of hearts for your donation in this situation. We are really affected and suffering until now and we are living in tent. My children and orphans are also living with us in tent. There is not opened their school yet. There is hot and mosquitoes in tent. We could not go in house because of earthquakes everyday and my house is very cracked so, we scare to go in and sleep.
It is very encourages for us from your side like this.
I was out of Kathmandu for 12 days. I went different parts of Nepal for visiting churches. My trip was good and safely come back. There was an accident on the way of east the Ambulance hit the our jeep slowly not so damage and injured us. I will write some reports of my trip soon. Please pray for us continuing. There is again earthquake just 2 hours ago, There is earthquakes every day here. You may pray continuing for us.
In Him,
Pastor Thomas Rai,
Grace Church,
Bagdol, Lalitpur,
P.O.Box 8975, EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Ward Greetings from your our family and churches,
I am very happy to write you now. I was out of Kathmandu and visiting different parts of Nepal. Now I came back to Kathmandu, Nepal safely. We appreciate you a lot from you for your kind help from your kind Godly heart to us.We thank you from our bottom of hearts for your donation in this situation. We are really affected and suffering until now and we are living in tent. My children and orphans are also living with us in tent. There is not opened their school yet. There is hot and mosquitoes in tent. We could not go in house because of earthquakes everyday and my house is very cracked so, we scare to go in and sleep.
It is very encourages for us from your side like this.
I was out of Kathmandu for 12 days. I went different parts of Nepal for visiting churches. My trip was good and safely come back. There was an accident on the way of east the Ambulance hit the our jeep slowly not so damage and injured us. I will write some reports of my trip soon. Please pray for us continuing. There is again earthquake just 2 hours ago, There is earthquakes every day here. You may pray continuing for us.
In Him,
Pastor Thomas Rai,
Grace Church,
Bagdol, Lalitpur,
P.O.Box 8975, EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
NEpal update - may 13, 2015
Dear Respected Pastor Scott D.Bogard,
Thank you very much for your praying for us and for Nepal. Our situation in Nepal is getting bad again. Most of people are affected in Nepal specially in Kathmandu, Chitwan, Dolakha, Sindhupalhowk. Dhading, Gorkha, and other districts. Yes, there was a big earthquakes in Nepal again. Also small earthquakes many here time to time. We are already outside in tent again. In Kathmandu most of people are outside living in tents now again. Most of people of affected areas are so frightening. There are so much rumors in people of Nepal. Some people are speaking against Christianity. The people from outside, they went back out. My house are more cracked again but previous earthquakes damaged more this time add some cracks. We came in to stay last week but we stayed in room only two days again came second big earthquakes, so, we made again tent outside my home in someone empty land. My family and orphans are living in tent. Orphans are scaring but there is no way to go back and where can they go. We are taking care as my own children. Please pray for them. The school is not opened and all shops and banks, markets and most of offices are closed. Things are expensive here water is not in taps. We bring water from stone tap (from ground) near buy our area. But there are too long queue/line to fetch water. There are more buildings collapsed in Kathmandu and other places, more houses and landslides in Dolakha Districts mainly and other places too. In Kathmandu, there is OMKAR Hospital totally damaged in this second big earthquakes. Some people is berried there. Also there are many many private house also collapsed and many people died also. But people did not died as first earthquakes. There is a new hospital building nearby our home, also many many cracked as X in walls. This hospital is still constructing till now.
Some of my Pastors reported me that there are many houses collapsed in the villages in hill sides in first earthquakes and second earthquakes. People people died there whoever are still living they are coming down from hills to Pokhara also from Sindhu Palchowk and Dolakha Districts and areas in Katmandu and other places.
My one of pastor friend named Raj Kumar Rai from east of Nepal he and his church members went to help to those much affected areas in Sindhu Palchow. and Dolakha there was a big second earthquakes, at time they were that area, many he said they were almost died in earthquakes landslides.
I am going to meet my friend Pastor Raj Kumar Rai, on Sunday to encourage them and also visit some churches in the east of Nepal after that I will go to visit south of Nepal and other churches in Pokhara. Pastor Kar Lama and Pastor Parbat Rai invited me to encourage them. They are many families came down from hills sides to save lives from earthquakes landslides in Pokhara and staying in churches there. So, they need some helps actually in this situation.
There is most dangerous situation in Dolakha and Sindhupalkhowk districts. There are very narrow areas and tall hills where there are many many hills are cracked and going to fell down. those people who are living from those areas they escaping from there to different places.Some are in Kathmandu.
Government is still not so serious for common people needs. Common people says, The Government People of Nepal and leaders are corrupted ones. They helps are government and leaders to families. They do nothing and they do not let the NGOes to help the affected people also. Government want to collect all the money or help themselves and they want to help later themselves. Government getting big and big money and helps from different countries but not distributing those helps. people are suffering much and much in worse situations. What will there in the future in Nepal.
Thank you very much for your praying and getting much interest to know more about Nepal's earthquakes and situations of people of Nepal. Please pray for us and for our needs in Nepal.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Thank you very much for your praying for us and for Nepal. Our situation in Nepal is getting bad again. Most of people are affected in Nepal specially in Kathmandu, Chitwan, Dolakha, Sindhupalhowk. Dhading, Gorkha, and other districts. Yes, there was a big earthquakes in Nepal again. Also small earthquakes many here time to time. We are already outside in tent again. In Kathmandu most of people are outside living in tents now again. Most of people of affected areas are so frightening. There are so much rumors in people of Nepal. Some people are speaking against Christianity. The people from outside, they went back out. My house are more cracked again but previous earthquakes damaged more this time add some cracks. We came in to stay last week but we stayed in room only two days again came second big earthquakes, so, we made again tent outside my home in someone empty land. My family and orphans are living in tent. Orphans are scaring but there is no way to go back and where can they go. We are taking care as my own children. Please pray for them. The school is not opened and all shops and banks, markets and most of offices are closed. Things are expensive here water is not in taps. We bring water from stone tap (from ground) near buy our area. But there are too long queue/line to fetch water. There are more buildings collapsed in Kathmandu and other places, more houses and landslides in Dolakha Districts mainly and other places too. In Kathmandu, there is OMKAR Hospital totally damaged in this second big earthquakes. Some people is berried there. Also there are many many private house also collapsed and many people died also. But people did not died as first earthquakes. There is a new hospital building nearby our home, also many many cracked as X in walls. This hospital is still constructing till now.
Some of my Pastors reported me that there are many houses collapsed in the villages in hill sides in first earthquakes and second earthquakes. People people died there whoever are still living they are coming down from hills to Pokhara also from Sindhu Palchowk and Dolakha Districts and areas in Katmandu and other places.
My one of pastor friend named Raj Kumar Rai from east of Nepal he and his church members went to help to those much affected areas in Sindhu Palchow. and Dolakha there was a big second earthquakes, at time they were that area, many he said they were almost died in earthquakes landslides.
I am going to meet my friend Pastor Raj Kumar Rai, on Sunday to encourage them and also visit some churches in the east of Nepal after that I will go to visit south of Nepal and other churches in Pokhara. Pastor Kar Lama and Pastor Parbat Rai invited me to encourage them. They are many families came down from hills sides to save lives from earthquakes landslides in Pokhara and staying in churches there. So, they need some helps actually in this situation.
There is most dangerous situation in Dolakha and Sindhupalkhowk districts. There are very narrow areas and tall hills where there are many many hills are cracked and going to fell down. those people who are living from those areas they escaping from there to different places.Some are in Kathmandu.
Government is still not so serious for common people needs. Common people says, The Government People of Nepal and leaders are corrupted ones. They helps are government and leaders to families. They do nothing and they do not let the NGOes to help the affected people also. Government want to collect all the money or help themselves and they want to help later themselves. Government getting big and big money and helps from different countries but not distributing those helps. people are suffering much and much in worse situations. What will there in the future in Nepal.
Thank you very much for your praying and getting much interest to know more about Nepal's earthquakes and situations of people of Nepal. Please pray for us and for our needs in Nepal.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Dear Respected Pastor Scott Bogard,,
It is sad to from us again there is big earthquakes again today/. We are safe again from today's big earthquakes., We are out of house again in tent now. We are suffering. There are big and small earthquakes again. But God is with us and protected us. Praise the Lord for protections. Please pray for us and for Nepal. I am scaring now here in this room but I am still writing this email to you to let you know about us and safe. Thank you I will write you more later. I am writing in hurry this email. Please do not worry for us.
In Him,
Pastor Thomas,
Grace Church, Kathmandu,Nepal
It is sad to from us again there is big earthquakes again today/. We are safe again from today's big earthquakes., We are out of house again in tent now. We are suffering. There are big and small earthquakes again. But God is with us and protected us. Praise the Lord for protections. Please pray for us and for Nepal. I am scaring now here in this room but I am still writing this email to you to let you know about us and safe. Thank you I will write you more later. I am writing in hurry this email. Please do not worry for us.
In Him,
Pastor Thomas,
Grace Church, Kathmandu,Nepal
NEPAl update - april 30, 2015
Dear Respected Brother Pastor Scott D.Bogard,
Thank you very much for your kind email to us. We are happy to hear from you. Thank you very much for your planing to send some financial helps to us. Yes, we are suffering from earthquakes in Nepal. We are living in tent suffering from mosquitoes and raining etc. Yes, we need your kind helps to us. Please try to raise some funds for us to help in this situations. We appreciate you. I would like to send some experiences and some photos with this email attached.
Our experiences in earthquakes of Nepal:- What happened just a few Seconds...
An ordinary, cool and cloudy, spring morning in Nepal…we are all in church…suddenly…in just a few seconds, everything would change.The floor sharply tilted, a deafening roar, violent shaking and pitching—earthquake! People run, screaming, to the doors, but we cannot all get outside, we hold tightly onto each other…and pray. Just a few seconds earlier, I’d been speaking on the power of a thankful heart, now here we were; thanking Jesus for his protection…the message has become reality. For more than a minute, (but seemed like so much longer!), everything shook and rolled, it was raining bricks and lumps of concrete, the incredible noise of the quake itself, and the sounds of crashing walls and of falling objects, and people yelling and screaming fill the air. At last, all is momentarily still. People rush to find a piece of open ground, away from falling bricks, walls, buildings and power lines. The shock is clear on people’s faces…the fear…and then the aftershocks begin…we have walked a little way up the road, it is full of bricks…the laneways have become impassable, and not safe, people are hurrying in every direction… ‘It’scoming again!’ We try to grab hold of some railing, people yell at us to watch the power lines, we scramble up a steep slope to a small patch of open ground…then, it’s calm again…we begin walking back toward our house…we walk in the centre of the road away from buildings and walls…we watch the birds, they will suddenly fly just before the quake…how can we have learnt what to do so fast? Birds are flying, the dogs go crazy…motorbikes are thrown to the ground as everyone drops to the ground for another one…through a scene of destruction, people chaos, sirens wailing, army and police trucks racing, we carefully pick our way back home…thank you Lord…
Most of us in Kathmandu have spent the last four nights sleeping outdoors for safety, to date, there are almost 5 thousand people dead, and many thousands injured, this is the worst earthquake to hit Nepal in eighty years,everything is closed, many areas have no power and water, internet is down…houses are in ruins. After shocks continue, we were walking down a laneway to go and check on some friends, suddenly…that noise again…we run, this is not a good place to be, the earth is rolling, the brick wall on our left is flexing and bending alarmingly, the ground continues to roll, it’s like surfing on dryland. Several more people died in this aftershock as their house collapsed.
During these days God has shown me this Psalm 91:6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
Our friends are ok, we are ok…we just keep thanking Jesus and praying for this nation and this city…Even as I write this, there are regular, small shocks, the windows creak and rattle, the beds shake…rescue efforts continue for those trapped in the rubble, roads are blocked and lots of buildings have cracks…we are very thankful for our safety and the safety of all our friends, and for our praying friends in different parts of the world…thank you Jesus.
What happened my house in these earthquakes? There are several cracks in my house inside and outside and broken bathrooms, walls. Praise the Lord my house is not totally fell down. We think my house still can repair and can rebuild some parts of wall. But it will be need a big money for maintaining house again. It seems it is not possible to do that from own side. Because of I do not have such resources. I am serving the Lord by faith. I do not get any salary from my churches also. Because of church have not much income too. My church is independent church not joined any mission and denomination. We have committed to my God to provide all our needs. So, I would like to request all of you, it there is any possibility please help us in our needs.
Other thing that we my wife and I are taking care orphans who are really helpless and needed to shelter. We have found to do spiritual works as well as to need some social works during ministerial works. Please pray for our orphans and their needs too. We do not know how God is leading and working with us for Nepal. We are enjoying walking and serving the Lord whatever situations here around us. We trust Him and serve Him. We believe that God is our provider and He will not let to be ashamed.
If you have any questions please let us know. I will response you soon.
In Him,
Pastor Thomas,
Grace Church, Kathmandu,Nepal
Thank you very much for your kind email to us. We are happy to hear from you. Thank you very much for your planing to send some financial helps to us. Yes, we are suffering from earthquakes in Nepal. We are living in tent suffering from mosquitoes and raining etc. Yes, we need your kind helps to us. Please try to raise some funds for us to help in this situations. We appreciate you. I would like to send some experiences and some photos with this email attached.
Our experiences in earthquakes of Nepal:- What happened just a few Seconds...
An ordinary, cool and cloudy, spring morning in Nepal…we are all in church…suddenly…in just a few seconds, everything would change.The floor sharply tilted, a deafening roar, violent shaking and pitching—earthquake! People run, screaming, to the doors, but we cannot all get outside, we hold tightly onto each other…and pray. Just a few seconds earlier, I’d been speaking on the power of a thankful heart, now here we were; thanking Jesus for his protection…the message has become reality. For more than a minute, (but seemed like so much longer!), everything shook and rolled, it was raining bricks and lumps of concrete, the incredible noise of the quake itself, and the sounds of crashing walls and of falling objects, and people yelling and screaming fill the air. At last, all is momentarily still. People rush to find a piece of open ground, away from falling bricks, walls, buildings and power lines. The shock is clear on people’s faces…the fear…and then the aftershocks begin…we have walked a little way up the road, it is full of bricks…the laneways have become impassable, and not safe, people are hurrying in every direction… ‘It’scoming again!’ We try to grab hold of some railing, people yell at us to watch the power lines, we scramble up a steep slope to a small patch of open ground…then, it’s calm again…we begin walking back toward our house…we walk in the centre of the road away from buildings and walls…we watch the birds, they will suddenly fly just before the quake…how can we have learnt what to do so fast? Birds are flying, the dogs go crazy…motorbikes are thrown to the ground as everyone drops to the ground for another one…through a scene of destruction, people chaos, sirens wailing, army and police trucks racing, we carefully pick our way back home…thank you Lord…
Most of us in Kathmandu have spent the last four nights sleeping outdoors for safety, to date, there are almost 5 thousand people dead, and many thousands injured, this is the worst earthquake to hit Nepal in eighty years,everything is closed, many areas have no power and water, internet is down…houses are in ruins. After shocks continue, we were walking down a laneway to go and check on some friends, suddenly…that noise again…we run, this is not a good place to be, the earth is rolling, the brick wall on our left is flexing and bending alarmingly, the ground continues to roll, it’s like surfing on dryland. Several more people died in this aftershock as their house collapsed.
During these days God has shown me this Psalm 91:6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
Our friends are ok, we are ok…we just keep thanking Jesus and praying for this nation and this city…Even as I write this, there are regular, small shocks, the windows creak and rattle, the beds shake…rescue efforts continue for those trapped in the rubble, roads are blocked and lots of buildings have cracks…we are very thankful for our safety and the safety of all our friends, and for our praying friends in different parts of the world…thank you Jesus.
What happened my house in these earthquakes? There are several cracks in my house inside and outside and broken bathrooms, walls. Praise the Lord my house is not totally fell down. We think my house still can repair and can rebuild some parts of wall. But it will be need a big money for maintaining house again. It seems it is not possible to do that from own side. Because of I do not have such resources. I am serving the Lord by faith. I do not get any salary from my churches also. Because of church have not much income too. My church is independent church not joined any mission and denomination. We have committed to my God to provide all our needs. So, I would like to request all of you, it there is any possibility please help us in our needs.
Other thing that we my wife and I are taking care orphans who are really helpless and needed to shelter. We have found to do spiritual works as well as to need some social works during ministerial works. Please pray for our orphans and their needs too. We do not know how God is leading and working with us for Nepal. We are enjoying walking and serving the Lord whatever situations here around us. We trust Him and serve Him. We believe that God is our provider and He will not let to be ashamed.
If you have any questions please let us know. I will response you soon.
In Him,
Pastor Thomas,
Grace Church, Kathmandu,Nepal
NEPAL UPdate - april 20, 2015
Dear Respected Pastor Scott D.Bogard, in the Lord Jesus Christ,
Warm Greetings from Orphans and our Church family!
How are you? Thank you very for your prayer and support to our church ministries. I am sorry not writing you for a long time as our reports of Grace Church Ministries. I was out most of time these days to the villages Churches for the church ministerial works. So, I was busy in my works. We would like to communicate with you time to time. It is god to write you and send some information about our churches activities in the Lord as our reports from Nepal.
Church family are fine in the Lord:
We would like to write you for prayer support to us except two church members are sicks. Rest of our church members are fine in spiritually and physically.
Pastor Mangal Rai Rauthat, and Pastor Prem Bayalkoti from Surkhet send Christian Greetings from them. They are fine in the Lord and continuing walking and serving the Lord in those areas. I was in surkhet last two weeks ago and I am going to visit to Pastor Mangal Rai and in his church family.
Looking for a piece of land on rent for the church hall:
It would be food to write you as our prayer items for the piece of land on rent. We have to move our church hall other place because of our landlord does not want to renew our contract for other five years. So, we are still suffering for looking a piece of land on rent to build the church hall. We have looked for some places bur they do not want give long time means maximum 5 years only. Also land which one we have found is not suitable place and now road and how bring the things there. One place we found that we have put trucks of mud to put on there. Means more then 20 big trucks soil need there to buried pits.
We would like to request all of you for prayers request. We have to move from there soon. Our land-lord has already asked us to move from there. We had contracted 5 years going to finish soon. they do not want to renew more then that. Actually, He supposes to renew again for other 5 years but he did not do that. We are looking for a piece of land on rent where we could build church house for us. Still we have not found yet. To buy a piece of land is too expensive which is out of our church family capacity. Unless our God provides us that miracle way blessing. Please pray for our church.
We are praying for and looking for lands for God's leading. We depend on Him. You may request all friends about this our big problem of land.Yes, in God there is not big but from our worldly eyes we see big problem on this matter. We pray and trust on God. Yes, we believe and trust He is provider. Amen.
Our Orphans:
We have some orphans in our Home. Our orphans are very happy with us and studying well and giving final exams of this year. I will inform you of their results when I will get their results. We pray and hope that they will be upgraded for the next Classes. We would like to bring many orphans in our children home. You may pray for this and sponsoring.
Prayer Requests from sicks people:
Shyam Khadgi suffering from Cancer:- Also please pray for one old man who is suffering from Cancer or other. He has only daughter who are very poor and working labor job. No money for treatment only depend on Prayer to God.
Nirmala Rai sick from Kidney:- Nirmala Rai is suffering from Kidney problems. Doctor did exam for her kidney problems and sent to something to check up to India Hospital. the report came as her kidney's pipe and filter one dried and not working something like this. Doctor told her there is not any medicine in Nepal. They do not tell her which medicine not find in Nepal. She is worry and suffering now. She has a son and poor husband. Pray for her for God's miracle for healing.
I am planing to visit our village churches again of south of Nepal.
I will go to visit different churches in different villages churches. of Makawanpur District, Chitwan District, Bara-Parsa districts, Rautahat District. Also, I am going to different churches around Pastor Mangal's areas., Pastor Vijaya Rai's Gaidatar Church and Pastor Tul Bahadur's , Pastor Chaite Rai, Pastor Daniel Rai, Pastor Tulku Lama's, Pastor Prem Rai, Pastor Gambhir Pahari, Pastor Bishnu Rai, Pastor Dukhwa Rai's churches and others too. We have planed to visit them and encourage them before rainy season start. You may know that our village churches pastor are all farmers. They need more teachings and encouragements in the Lord.
Our Village Churches are fine:
We have visited some west churches (Ps. Vaskar Adhikari's churches in Bardian District, Pastor Prem Bayalkoti's churches in Surkhet. and Pastor Kishan Chaudhari's churches in Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur of far west of Nepal) last two weeks ago and we had good program with them. All of them are very happy with us. They need more and more accouterments and teaching from the Bible.
Also we are planing to visit Pokhara's churches, China Boarder churches and east of Nepal's churches before rainy season start. You may know that during rainy season is big flood and landslides. You may pray for us for His leading by the Holy Spirit.
My health is better then before.
I was sick with suffering Blood High Presser, I am healed by the Grace of God. Only sometimes I have a bit high pressure. God is with me and leading me by the Spirit. So, he protects me. You may pray for me.
I will send some photos of our village Churches soon.
Thank you very much for your prayers and encouraging to us. We are waiting to hear from you.
In Him,
Thomas Rai Pastor,
Grace Church and Ministries,
P.O.Box 8975, EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Warm Greetings from Orphans and our Church family!
How are you? Thank you very for your prayer and support to our church ministries. I am sorry not writing you for a long time as our reports of Grace Church Ministries. I was out most of time these days to the villages Churches for the church ministerial works. So, I was busy in my works. We would like to communicate with you time to time. It is god to write you and send some information about our churches activities in the Lord as our reports from Nepal.
Church family are fine in the Lord:
We would like to write you for prayer support to us except two church members are sicks. Rest of our church members are fine in spiritually and physically.
Pastor Mangal Rai Rauthat, and Pastor Prem Bayalkoti from Surkhet send Christian Greetings from them. They are fine in the Lord and continuing walking and serving the Lord in those areas. I was in surkhet last two weeks ago and I am going to visit to Pastor Mangal Rai and in his church family.
Looking for a piece of land on rent for the church hall:
It would be food to write you as our prayer items for the piece of land on rent. We have to move our church hall other place because of our landlord does not want to renew our contract for other five years. So, we are still suffering for looking a piece of land on rent to build the church hall. We have looked for some places bur they do not want give long time means maximum 5 years only. Also land which one we have found is not suitable place and now road and how bring the things there. One place we found that we have put trucks of mud to put on there. Means more then 20 big trucks soil need there to buried pits.
We would like to request all of you for prayers request. We have to move from there soon. Our land-lord has already asked us to move from there. We had contracted 5 years going to finish soon. they do not want to renew more then that. Actually, He supposes to renew again for other 5 years but he did not do that. We are looking for a piece of land on rent where we could build church house for us. Still we have not found yet. To buy a piece of land is too expensive which is out of our church family capacity. Unless our God provides us that miracle way blessing. Please pray for our church.
We are praying for and looking for lands for God's leading. We depend on Him. You may request all friends about this our big problem of land.Yes, in God there is not big but from our worldly eyes we see big problem on this matter. We pray and trust on God. Yes, we believe and trust He is provider. Amen.
Our Orphans:
We have some orphans in our Home. Our orphans are very happy with us and studying well and giving final exams of this year. I will inform you of their results when I will get their results. We pray and hope that they will be upgraded for the next Classes. We would like to bring many orphans in our children home. You may pray for this and sponsoring.
Prayer Requests from sicks people:
Shyam Khadgi suffering from Cancer:- Also please pray for one old man who is suffering from Cancer or other. He has only daughter who are very poor and working labor job. No money for treatment only depend on Prayer to God.
Nirmala Rai sick from Kidney:- Nirmala Rai is suffering from Kidney problems. Doctor did exam for her kidney problems and sent to something to check up to India Hospital. the report came as her kidney's pipe and filter one dried and not working something like this. Doctor told her there is not any medicine in Nepal. They do not tell her which medicine not find in Nepal. She is worry and suffering now. She has a son and poor husband. Pray for her for God's miracle for healing.
I am planing to visit our village churches again of south of Nepal.
I will go to visit different churches in different villages churches. of Makawanpur District, Chitwan District, Bara-Parsa districts, Rautahat District. Also, I am going to different churches around Pastor Mangal's areas., Pastor Vijaya Rai's Gaidatar Church and Pastor Tul Bahadur's , Pastor Chaite Rai, Pastor Daniel Rai, Pastor Tulku Lama's, Pastor Prem Rai, Pastor Gambhir Pahari, Pastor Bishnu Rai, Pastor Dukhwa Rai's churches and others too. We have planed to visit them and encourage them before rainy season start. You may know that our village churches pastor are all farmers. They need more teachings and encouragements in the Lord.
Our Village Churches are fine:
We have visited some west churches (Ps. Vaskar Adhikari's churches in Bardian District, Pastor Prem Bayalkoti's churches in Surkhet. and Pastor Kishan Chaudhari's churches in Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur of far west of Nepal) last two weeks ago and we had good program with them. All of them are very happy with us. They need more and more accouterments and teaching from the Bible.
Also we are planing to visit Pokhara's churches, China Boarder churches and east of Nepal's churches before rainy season start. You may know that during rainy season is big flood and landslides. You may pray for us for His leading by the Holy Spirit.
My health is better then before.
I was sick with suffering Blood High Presser, I am healed by the Grace of God. Only sometimes I have a bit high pressure. God is with me and leading me by the Spirit. So, he protects me. You may pray for me.
I will send some photos of our village Churches soon.
Thank you very much for your prayers and encouraging to us. We are waiting to hear from you.
In Him,
Thomas Rai Pastor,
Grace Church and Ministries,
P.O.Box 8975, EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
nepal update - December 13, 2014
Dear Respected Brother Pastor Scott Bogard, and all family, in the Lord Jesus Christ,
Regarding the meetings with some one they call my on that time when I was busy and working other works. he said that he was in the meetings. Sorry I was unable to attend at that meetings.
We are happy here in the Lord and serving the Lord continuing in Nepal to expanding the Kingdom of God. Thank you very much for prayers and supports our church ministries in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We received the lot of encouragements and helps from you to the orphans and our church ministries this year 2014.. We appreciate you a lot from our hearts for your kind hearts and love to us. We pray and hope that you will supports coming year too. Our churches and village churches are fine and sent Christmas Greetings to all of You. We need your great encouragements in the Lord from brothers and sisters like you.
I am going to some village churches today morning by bus for a week to encourage them in the Lord during this Christmas Seasons. I will come back next Sunday evening.
We would like to send Christmas Greetings from our Grace Church and Ministries family and also from may family.
May this Christmas and the coming New Year bring you Christ's peace, good health and success in the service of the True Living God.
In Him,
Ps. Thomas Rai and family
and all our Orphans,
Grace Church, and Ministries, Kathmandu,Nepal
Regarding the meetings with some one they call my on that time when I was busy and working other works. he said that he was in the meetings. Sorry I was unable to attend at that meetings.
We are happy here in the Lord and serving the Lord continuing in Nepal to expanding the Kingdom of God. Thank you very much for prayers and supports our church ministries in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We received the lot of encouragements and helps from you to the orphans and our church ministries this year 2014.. We appreciate you a lot from our hearts for your kind hearts and love to us. We pray and hope that you will supports coming year too. Our churches and village churches are fine and sent Christmas Greetings to all of You. We need your great encouragements in the Lord from brothers and sisters like you.
I am going to some village churches today morning by bus for a week to encourage them in the Lord during this Christmas Seasons. I will come back next Sunday evening.
We would like to send Christmas Greetings from our Grace Church and Ministries family and also from may family.
May this Christmas and the coming New Year bring you Christ's peace, good health and success in the service of the True Living God.
In Him,
Ps. Thomas Rai and family
and all our Orphans,
Grace Church, and Ministries, Kathmandu,Nepal
Dear Respected Pastor Scott Bogard,
Please Pray for Nepal because of people are suffering from floods and landslides
How are you? We have not communicated each other for a long times. Please do not forget us. We missed you. We would like to keep touching with you. We need your prayers supports and encouragements. We are praying and hoping that you are well and praying for us also. We are still safe here in Kathmandu. But some of our village church families are suffering from landslide and floods west of Nepal. Where there are many churches in Bardia district and Surkhet district. I would like to write down followings:-
Landslides News, from Nepal, are very bad news, there are many many places floods and landslides, in Nepal. More than 5 hundred people were killed in this time, and thousands of families are affected and lost their lives and properties. They have lost the lives, lands and properties this year. Many villages changed into rivers banks. People have no food and no clothes etc.
Like that the West of Nepal areas also have big flood and landslides:- Some of our churches families also effected from this flood and landslides like Surkhet areas Christian family and Bardia areas and China Boarder areas Christian families also affected. There are three church house flooded in Surkhet areas according to our Pastor Vaskar Adhikari and Pastor Prem Bayalkoti Reports. Those areas Christian’s families also lost foods, suffering now. There is still water in house, the food is destroyed and people are suffering from hunger. But Christians are not body died yet. Many other people died in this flood and landslides. There were cut the electricity and stopped transportation in that areas and food etc. People are suffering hungry. Nepal government and different NGOs are trying to help them they have collected a lot helps but because of corruption the affected family have not received enough food and helps.
Our Pastor Prem Bayalkot and Pastor Vaskar Adhikar said that if we Christians can help them those who are hungry, and sicks from these flood and landslides., would be good to show our love of God in these situations. Please pray for them.
China Boarder road, there we have some our Christian families churches, is blocked by very very big landslides, which closed the Koshi River and roads are under from several weeks yet, have not opened for the transportation. Armies and polices are trying to open blocked river. But they are still not succeeded yet. From our Grace Church, who are two policemen and one army also, have gone there to help there.
So, we would like to request all of you please pray for Nepal. There is still raining and raining. Still risks for Nepali people. This year there was not rain on time, the farmers were did not planted rice/paddy all. They planted 70% only according to last news of Nepal. Now, more rains which destroys more now.
There is still long loadshading in Nepal. Drinking water is shortage in Kathmandu City. It is funny news from Nepal, there is big flood and landslides, but in city of Kathmandu long loadshading and lack of drinking water. Government is focusing other unnecessary things, as Tij Festival (Women Festival) Celebrating, and Preparing the Dasahin Festival etc. . Political leaders are still fighting for chairs and make Hindu Kingdom again. Most of parliaments are Hindu people and Brahmin people, they can see that to make Hindu Kingdom is important to well know world people Nepal is only one Hindu Kingdom etc. They said that Hindu Brahmins are only high caste and pure holy people. Other people are cow eater and sinners.
One of our Grace Church from Kathmandu brother named Rabin Gurung, visited Malaysia for the Nepali Christian Film shows there among the Nepalese people there, he showed films there. A Nepali churches invited him there to show his own Christian Films and come back now, but he saw and heard heat there are thousands of women are suffering in Muslim countries as house workers as Dubai, Qatar, Malaysia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia etc. Some people are in jails there and some are hungry there.
There are jobless people in Nepal. People are doing good business and bad business in Nepal. There is not safe and no peace in Nepal.
In this situations:- We pastors and leaders are trying to bring the preach the Gospel to the people of Nepal, are unable to hear good news of God. We can see that most of Nepali are thinking only for world. They could focus the worldly matters but they could not see and focus Spiritual matters. In this time, for them, worldly things are important then spiritual things. Yet, we have to pray for them to open their blind eyes to see spiritual things are important for their lives.
The Kingdom of God is expanding slowly here in Nepal, one day there will be churches in each village at least one church. We would like to start one church each village in Nepal in the future. You may play a great role for the expanding Kingdom of God in Nepal. Please pray for our vision for Nepal. We are waiting to hear from you. God may bless you all of you.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church, Bagdol 4, Lalitpur,
P.O.Box 8975m EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Please Pray for Nepal because of people are suffering from floods and landslides
How are you? We have not communicated each other for a long times. Please do not forget us. We missed you. We would like to keep touching with you. We need your prayers supports and encouragements. We are praying and hoping that you are well and praying for us also. We are still safe here in Kathmandu. But some of our village church families are suffering from landslide and floods west of Nepal. Where there are many churches in Bardia district and Surkhet district. I would like to write down followings:-
Landslides News, from Nepal, are very bad news, there are many many places floods and landslides, in Nepal. More than 5 hundred people were killed in this time, and thousands of families are affected and lost their lives and properties. They have lost the lives, lands and properties this year. Many villages changed into rivers banks. People have no food and no clothes etc.
Like that the West of Nepal areas also have big flood and landslides:- Some of our churches families also effected from this flood and landslides like Surkhet areas Christian family and Bardia areas and China Boarder areas Christian families also affected. There are three church house flooded in Surkhet areas according to our Pastor Vaskar Adhikari and Pastor Prem Bayalkoti Reports. Those areas Christian’s families also lost foods, suffering now. There is still water in house, the food is destroyed and people are suffering from hunger. But Christians are not body died yet. Many other people died in this flood and landslides. There were cut the electricity and stopped transportation in that areas and food etc. People are suffering hungry. Nepal government and different NGOs are trying to help them they have collected a lot helps but because of corruption the affected family have not received enough food and helps.
Our Pastor Prem Bayalkot and Pastor Vaskar Adhikar said that if we Christians can help them those who are hungry, and sicks from these flood and landslides., would be good to show our love of God in these situations. Please pray for them.
China Boarder road, there we have some our Christian families churches, is blocked by very very big landslides, which closed the Koshi River and roads are under from several weeks yet, have not opened for the transportation. Armies and polices are trying to open blocked river. But they are still not succeeded yet. From our Grace Church, who are two policemen and one army also, have gone there to help there.
So, we would like to request all of you please pray for Nepal. There is still raining and raining. Still risks for Nepali people. This year there was not rain on time, the farmers were did not planted rice/paddy all. They planted 70% only according to last news of Nepal. Now, more rains which destroys more now.
There is still long loadshading in Nepal. Drinking water is shortage in Kathmandu City. It is funny news from Nepal, there is big flood and landslides, but in city of Kathmandu long loadshading and lack of drinking water. Government is focusing other unnecessary things, as Tij Festival (Women Festival) Celebrating, and Preparing the Dasahin Festival etc. . Political leaders are still fighting for chairs and make Hindu Kingdom again. Most of parliaments are Hindu people and Brahmin people, they can see that to make Hindu Kingdom is important to well know world people Nepal is only one Hindu Kingdom etc. They said that Hindu Brahmins are only high caste and pure holy people. Other people are cow eater and sinners.
One of our Grace Church from Kathmandu brother named Rabin Gurung, visited Malaysia for the Nepali Christian Film shows there among the Nepalese people there, he showed films there. A Nepali churches invited him there to show his own Christian Films and come back now, but he saw and heard heat there are thousands of women are suffering in Muslim countries as house workers as Dubai, Qatar, Malaysia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia etc. Some people are in jails there and some are hungry there.
There are jobless people in Nepal. People are doing good business and bad business in Nepal. There is not safe and no peace in Nepal.
In this situations:- We pastors and leaders are trying to bring the preach the Gospel to the people of Nepal, are unable to hear good news of God. We can see that most of Nepali are thinking only for world. They could focus the worldly matters but they could not see and focus Spiritual matters. In this time, for them, worldly things are important then spiritual things. Yet, we have to pray for them to open their blind eyes to see spiritual things are important for their lives.
The Kingdom of God is expanding slowly here in Nepal, one day there will be churches in each village at least one church. We would like to start one church each village in Nepal in the future. You may play a great role for the expanding Kingdom of God in Nepal. Please pray for our vision for Nepal. We are waiting to hear from you. God may bless you all of you.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church, Bagdol 4, Lalitpur,
P.O.Box 8975m EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Dear Respected Pastor Scott D.Bogard,
We warm Greetings from our Grace Church Family of Nepal in the Name of Savior Lord Jesus Christ!
I am happy to hear from you. I am sorry for not responding soon. It was not enough times for me to write email any ones you. I am still traveling to different places to meet the pastors and leaders in Nepal in west and east and south and north areas before the rainy season starting. It is good time to visit them in different places. Later there will rain a lot everywhere there will be landslides, floods etc. Also they will be busy to plant paddy in their fields. God has put a great vision and burden in my heart to plant churches, in different places and to teach them the Word of God and encourage them grow in the Lord Jesus. So, I make plan to visit before the rainy season. The churches are growing day by day in different places in Nepal. We can sense that as Jesus said in the Bible “the harvest are plenty of but labours are a few" in Nepal.
It is very hot to travel nowadays in Nepal. I have faced a lot of difficulties to go there in different places like this. We can see the many diseases, like cholera, typhoid, and malaria in different places in Nepal. Because of hot in Nepal. There is no rain yet in Nepal so hot is growing and growing day by day. The diseases are spreading different places in Nepal nowadays. First of all I went with friends to different districts and different churches like to Rautahat at Pastor Mangal Rai's churches Pastor Tul Bahadur Rai, Pastor Prem Rais and Ps. Bijaya Rai's Churches, Bara Pastor Kunju Lama, Parsa Pastor Chaite Rai, Pastor Daniel Rai's churches, Makawanpur Pastor Shyam Rai, and Chitwan District’s Ps. Krishna Rai, Ps. Nir Bahadur Rai, Ps. Ashman Gurung’s Churches. I was there for 9 days, then I came back to Kathmandu, after some days later I went to west of Nepal to Surkhet’s Pastor Prem Bayalkoti, Ps. Shiwaraj Pariyar, Lal Bdr. Bayalkoti Churches, Also, I have visited to Brother Binod Gurung, and Ps. Vaskar Adhikari’s churches in Nepalgunja and Bardiya districts and in Pokhara with Ps. Kar Lama’s church and Ps. Buddhiman Rai’s churches for 8 days, then I came back again to Kathmandu. In my trips, wherever I visited I had taught to those churches leaders and pastors with the topic of "Sound of Freedom, 2014" from Bible. Trying to teach them we are not in bandages or captives in sins and not any worldly things in this world in Christ. By the Grace of God we are freedom spiritually in the Lord, and living under the New Covenant in Christ. We are God's Children and not from the world, we are from the God. God is our Father (Abba). Wherever we went we have taught same teachings to those churches congregations in these trips. This year God has given us to learn these matters. You may see the some photos of different churches with the banner. It is very encouraging visitation among them.
I have felt that we have to teach many bible teachings to let them to grow in Christ. We know that there a lot of lack of Biblical Teachings in Nepal. People are very ignoring with knowledge of God. Also most of people in the churches are not educated people or unable to read and write the Bible. Most of village people they are unable to read and write the word of God. But they listen the word of God from the pastors and leaders and believe in the Lord Jesus as Bible said, the faith comes by the listening the word of God.
I came to know that all our village churches are good and growing in those places. God has been drawing the people in Him. I can see them; they are active in preaching the Gospel of God to the unreached people of Nepal.
Tribes’ people are suffering from hunger:-
Pastor Prem Bayalkoti, and Vaskar Adhikari and Pastor Ashman Gurung are preaching the Gospel of God among the tribe people among the Badi, Tharu, Raute, Kusunda and Chepang people of the west of Nepal. There are not developed tribes in Nepal who live in hills, jungle and caves etc. They do not have proper houses to live in and also do not do farming.
Pastor Min Bahadur Chepang(Praja) is from one of tribe Pastor in Chitwan district. He said that there are many villages on hills of Chitwan where there are hundreds of Chepang people families, who are living there. They do have much land and also they do not have skills for farming; also the lands whatever they have are very dry and unable to plant crops/maize etc. they did not used to farm since their ancestors for food but they used to look for yams and other fruits in the jungle of hills. So they do not have lands for cultivation. Government has closed the cut the jungle and makes lands for in Nepal. They could not make land for farming. According to Pastor Min Bdr. Praja there are lacks of foods among the Praja people in the Chitwan hills area. They look for wild yams (kind roots) for food but those yams also not found in those hills.
Pastor Min Bahadur and Asman Gurung said that God is working those tribe but they are suffering from hungry. God may provide their food. These tribe people need some helps for food. Pastor Ashman Gurung who is going to evangelizing among these people said that these tribe people need physical foods as well as Spiritual food. If anyone provide small helps for this would be big helps for them to survive in this situation.
Pastor Nir Bahadur Rai of Chitwan district said that there are many tribes who are not developed. We have to do evangelizing practical loves of God.
Pastor Prem Bayalkoti and Vaskar Adhikari said that the Tharu and Badi tribes are coming to Christ but need to help some areas. Badi people are so poor and needy people they do the prostitution for surviving lives. Their main occupations are to make Nepali drums and sing and dance to beg money for family since their ancestors. But nowadays, the people do not buy much drums and do not invite them to sing and dances so, their income is not more. So they are suffering for surviving now. So, Pastor Prem and Vaskar are trying to draw them in Christ.
Some Pastors need some supports:- There are many poorest pastors in Nepal who are struggling for surviving but they are preaching the Gospel of god and serving the Lord. So, we have to do some practical encouragements to them. They have hearts to preach the Gospel and serve the Lord and also they are doing what they could do in the Lord. We have to supports them. Please pray for them.
Orphans Home:- We have 8 orphans in our home here in Kathmandu. They are going to school regularly and studying happily now. We have been care taking them as our own children. Our aim is to draw them in Christ and make disciples and provide good educations and send them to preach Gospel in Nepal. We have found hundreds of orphan in Nepal who are suffering as slaves in rich men’ houses for surviving their lives. We would like to bring them in shelter and for educations for their good life in the future. If anyone interested to sponsor they could sponsor in any amount with love of Christ. Please pray for needs of orphans of Nepal.
Blind Family:- There is a blind family in Rautahat district. His name is Shambu Chudhari with blind wife and small daughter. This family is Christian and attends in Pastor Mangal Rai Church. They live in small hut that hut they use to beg for food door to door. Now they come to church and church provide a little help but not sufficient. Their hut is going to fell down because of the wooden things are rotten and licking in rainy season. They got little help Rs. 1000 rupees blind allowance from government but not enough. Main thing is that his hut may fell down any time so, he asked me for help. I do not know how to help him? I do not have such big resource. Please pray for this family.
Very old man named Raj Kumar Khadki:- There is one old men in our Grace Church, Kathmandu. He could not walk properly and seem handicapped man and sick from asthma disease also. He has a daughter named Laxmi Khadgi and a granddaughter. He had some property when he was youth, but his relative cheated him badly. He lost his all property means his entire father’s land and house was named in his relative brothers. He went to court for right but court also very corrupted so; he did not win in his court. Now he is helpless. His only a daughter got marriage with other local man before came to know the lord Jesus. Her husband forced her to reject father and leave him as street beggar and leave the husband. But she did not agree to leave father. So, she left husband and stay out and care taking father and daughter now. She came to know the Lord in our church. Her husband comes and gives some trouble to her and asked money from her. She works as handicraft as daily wage but sometimes she does not have income. I am looking for old home for him but not found where to go and whom to ask for this? Please pray for this family.
We do Appreciations for your prayers-supports to our church ministries:-
Finally we would like to appreciate and thank all of you very much for your kind prayers and supports to us to expand the Kingdom of God in Nepal. We hope and pray that you would pray and support continuing to us to expand the Kingdom of God in Nepal in future too. You are playing great roles continuing to win the lost souls who are living in darkness by supporting our ministries of Nepal. So we need continue your great encouragements and prayer supports. We believe that God is working continuing with you too. God bless you very much richly forever in your life and in your ministries. Our God the Lord Jesus will reward all of you. Please pray for us continuing in your prayer times. God may bless you richly in your family and ministries. We are waiting your response. Thank you.
In Him
Yours Sincerely,
Pastor Thomas Rai
Grace Church, Bagdol, Lalitpur,
P.O.Box 8975, EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Telephone No. 977-1-5590079 (Residence/Church) Mobile: 9841421408
[email protected]
[email protected]
We warm Greetings from our Grace Church Family of Nepal in the Name of Savior Lord Jesus Christ!
I am happy to hear from you. I am sorry for not responding soon. It was not enough times for me to write email any ones you. I am still traveling to different places to meet the pastors and leaders in Nepal in west and east and south and north areas before the rainy season starting. It is good time to visit them in different places. Later there will rain a lot everywhere there will be landslides, floods etc. Also they will be busy to plant paddy in their fields. God has put a great vision and burden in my heart to plant churches, in different places and to teach them the Word of God and encourage them grow in the Lord Jesus. So, I make plan to visit before the rainy season. The churches are growing day by day in different places in Nepal. We can sense that as Jesus said in the Bible “the harvest are plenty of but labours are a few" in Nepal.
It is very hot to travel nowadays in Nepal. I have faced a lot of difficulties to go there in different places like this. We can see the many diseases, like cholera, typhoid, and malaria in different places in Nepal. Because of hot in Nepal. There is no rain yet in Nepal so hot is growing and growing day by day. The diseases are spreading different places in Nepal nowadays. First of all I went with friends to different districts and different churches like to Rautahat at Pastor Mangal Rai's churches Pastor Tul Bahadur Rai, Pastor Prem Rais and Ps. Bijaya Rai's Churches, Bara Pastor Kunju Lama, Parsa Pastor Chaite Rai, Pastor Daniel Rai's churches, Makawanpur Pastor Shyam Rai, and Chitwan District’s Ps. Krishna Rai, Ps. Nir Bahadur Rai, Ps. Ashman Gurung’s Churches. I was there for 9 days, then I came back to Kathmandu, after some days later I went to west of Nepal to Surkhet’s Pastor Prem Bayalkoti, Ps. Shiwaraj Pariyar, Lal Bdr. Bayalkoti Churches, Also, I have visited to Brother Binod Gurung, and Ps. Vaskar Adhikari’s churches in Nepalgunja and Bardiya districts and in Pokhara with Ps. Kar Lama’s church and Ps. Buddhiman Rai’s churches for 8 days, then I came back again to Kathmandu. In my trips, wherever I visited I had taught to those churches leaders and pastors with the topic of "Sound of Freedom, 2014" from Bible. Trying to teach them we are not in bandages or captives in sins and not any worldly things in this world in Christ. By the Grace of God we are freedom spiritually in the Lord, and living under the New Covenant in Christ. We are God's Children and not from the world, we are from the God. God is our Father (Abba). Wherever we went we have taught same teachings to those churches congregations in these trips. This year God has given us to learn these matters. You may see the some photos of different churches with the banner. It is very encouraging visitation among them.
I have felt that we have to teach many bible teachings to let them to grow in Christ. We know that there a lot of lack of Biblical Teachings in Nepal. People are very ignoring with knowledge of God. Also most of people in the churches are not educated people or unable to read and write the Bible. Most of village people they are unable to read and write the word of God. But they listen the word of God from the pastors and leaders and believe in the Lord Jesus as Bible said, the faith comes by the listening the word of God.
I came to know that all our village churches are good and growing in those places. God has been drawing the people in Him. I can see them; they are active in preaching the Gospel of God to the unreached people of Nepal.
Tribes’ people are suffering from hunger:-
Pastor Prem Bayalkoti, and Vaskar Adhikari and Pastor Ashman Gurung are preaching the Gospel of God among the tribe people among the Badi, Tharu, Raute, Kusunda and Chepang people of the west of Nepal. There are not developed tribes in Nepal who live in hills, jungle and caves etc. They do not have proper houses to live in and also do not do farming.
Pastor Min Bahadur Chepang(Praja) is from one of tribe Pastor in Chitwan district. He said that there are many villages on hills of Chitwan where there are hundreds of Chepang people families, who are living there. They do have much land and also they do not have skills for farming; also the lands whatever they have are very dry and unable to plant crops/maize etc. they did not used to farm since their ancestors for food but they used to look for yams and other fruits in the jungle of hills. So they do not have lands for cultivation. Government has closed the cut the jungle and makes lands for in Nepal. They could not make land for farming. According to Pastor Min Bdr. Praja there are lacks of foods among the Praja people in the Chitwan hills area. They look for wild yams (kind roots) for food but those yams also not found in those hills.
Pastor Min Bahadur and Asman Gurung said that God is working those tribe but they are suffering from hungry. God may provide their food. These tribe people need some helps for food. Pastor Ashman Gurung who is going to evangelizing among these people said that these tribe people need physical foods as well as Spiritual food. If anyone provide small helps for this would be big helps for them to survive in this situation.
Pastor Nir Bahadur Rai of Chitwan district said that there are many tribes who are not developed. We have to do evangelizing practical loves of God.
Pastor Prem Bayalkoti and Vaskar Adhikari said that the Tharu and Badi tribes are coming to Christ but need to help some areas. Badi people are so poor and needy people they do the prostitution for surviving lives. Their main occupations are to make Nepali drums and sing and dance to beg money for family since their ancestors. But nowadays, the people do not buy much drums and do not invite them to sing and dances so, their income is not more. So they are suffering for surviving now. So, Pastor Prem and Vaskar are trying to draw them in Christ.
Some Pastors need some supports:- There are many poorest pastors in Nepal who are struggling for surviving but they are preaching the Gospel of god and serving the Lord. So, we have to do some practical encouragements to them. They have hearts to preach the Gospel and serve the Lord and also they are doing what they could do in the Lord. We have to supports them. Please pray for them.
Orphans Home:- We have 8 orphans in our home here in Kathmandu. They are going to school regularly and studying happily now. We have been care taking them as our own children. Our aim is to draw them in Christ and make disciples and provide good educations and send them to preach Gospel in Nepal. We have found hundreds of orphan in Nepal who are suffering as slaves in rich men’ houses for surviving their lives. We would like to bring them in shelter and for educations for their good life in the future. If anyone interested to sponsor they could sponsor in any amount with love of Christ. Please pray for needs of orphans of Nepal.
Blind Family:- There is a blind family in Rautahat district. His name is Shambu Chudhari with blind wife and small daughter. This family is Christian and attends in Pastor Mangal Rai Church. They live in small hut that hut they use to beg for food door to door. Now they come to church and church provide a little help but not sufficient. Their hut is going to fell down because of the wooden things are rotten and licking in rainy season. They got little help Rs. 1000 rupees blind allowance from government but not enough. Main thing is that his hut may fell down any time so, he asked me for help. I do not know how to help him? I do not have such big resource. Please pray for this family.
Very old man named Raj Kumar Khadki:- There is one old men in our Grace Church, Kathmandu. He could not walk properly and seem handicapped man and sick from asthma disease also. He has a daughter named Laxmi Khadgi and a granddaughter. He had some property when he was youth, but his relative cheated him badly. He lost his all property means his entire father’s land and house was named in his relative brothers. He went to court for right but court also very corrupted so; he did not win in his court. Now he is helpless. His only a daughter got marriage with other local man before came to know the lord Jesus. Her husband forced her to reject father and leave him as street beggar and leave the husband. But she did not agree to leave father. So, she left husband and stay out and care taking father and daughter now. She came to know the Lord in our church. Her husband comes and gives some trouble to her and asked money from her. She works as handicraft as daily wage but sometimes she does not have income. I am looking for old home for him but not found where to go and whom to ask for this? Please pray for this family.
We do Appreciations for your prayers-supports to our church ministries:-
Finally we would like to appreciate and thank all of you very much for your kind prayers and supports to us to expand the Kingdom of God in Nepal. We hope and pray that you would pray and support continuing to us to expand the Kingdom of God in Nepal in future too. You are playing great roles continuing to win the lost souls who are living in darkness by supporting our ministries of Nepal. So we need continue your great encouragements and prayer supports. We believe that God is working continuing with you too. God bless you very much richly forever in your life and in your ministries. Our God the Lord Jesus will reward all of you. Please pray for us continuing in your prayer times. God may bless you richly in your family and ministries. We are waiting your response. Thank you.
In Him
Yours Sincerely,
Pastor Thomas Rai
Grace Church, Bagdol, Lalitpur,
P.O.Box 8975, EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Telephone No. 977-1-5590079 (Residence/Church) Mobile: 9841421408
[email protected]
[email protected]
NEPAL update - May 17, 2014
Dear Respected Brother Pastor Scott D.Bogard,
How are you? Thank you very much for your email to me. I am sorry for not responding soon. Thank you very much for your prayers and support in the Lord to us. Now, I am sending some photos of orphans which is taken today. You could see them in photos. They studying in Christian school. Means, Srijana, Susmita, Shamjhana, Akriti, Sakila and Sristi are studying in Christian School. But Sharmila and Shangita Rai is studying different schools now. Means Sharmila Rai studying in High Land School, Sangital Rai is studying in Namuna Machendra School and rest of them are Studying in Grace Academy School.
Now, I have sent the recent photos of orphans with their school dresses. They are happy with us here and studying for good future. We are taking care them as our own children in the Lord Jesus. Now they are 8 of them with us.But Sangita Rai is blind so, I have sent her to Blind School and hostel. So, she is not in group photos. She was here one month ago on her vacation now she has gone back to hostel.
Pastor, I would like to request you if there is any friends of yours, you may share about the these orphans. We are looking for the sponsor for them and for their needs. We do not have much enough fund for this. Any one can help any one of them.
We hope that one day you will visit us in the future and encourage us in the Lord. At that time I will bring many places in Surkhet, Bardia, Nepal gaunja, Pokhara, Chitwan, Makawanpur, Bara, Parsa, Rauthat and other places where there are our churches. All our churches are growing in Christ and planted many churches in Nepal. God is with us and leads us in Him by the Holy Spirit.
Please pray for our needs and orphans' needs. Our orphans need study tables, chair and bed also. Also, these orphans need a computer to learn and practice the computer. Because of there are computer teachings in their courses in class.
Please pray for church's needs. Some churches of villages need church halls for worship as church services.
Pastor Prem Bayalkoti and Pastor Mangal Rai send their regards and greetings to you and your family. They are praying for you and for your family and hoping to see you in our midst. Please pray for us. I will send my trips photos and reports. I am still planing to visit east of Nepal's churches, and also China Boarder's churches next week for 11 days.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church,
Bagdol, Lalitpur,
How are you? Thank you very much for your email to me. I am sorry for not responding soon. Thank you very much for your prayers and support in the Lord to us. Now, I am sending some photos of orphans which is taken today. You could see them in photos. They studying in Christian school. Means, Srijana, Susmita, Shamjhana, Akriti, Sakila and Sristi are studying in Christian School. But Sharmila and Shangita Rai is studying different schools now. Means Sharmila Rai studying in High Land School, Sangital Rai is studying in Namuna Machendra School and rest of them are Studying in Grace Academy School.
Now, I have sent the recent photos of orphans with their school dresses. They are happy with us here and studying for good future. We are taking care them as our own children in the Lord Jesus. Now they are 8 of them with us.But Sangita Rai is blind so, I have sent her to Blind School and hostel. So, she is not in group photos. She was here one month ago on her vacation now she has gone back to hostel.
Pastor, I would like to request you if there is any friends of yours, you may share about the these orphans. We are looking for the sponsor for them and for their needs. We do not have much enough fund for this. Any one can help any one of them.
We hope that one day you will visit us in the future and encourage us in the Lord. At that time I will bring many places in Surkhet, Bardia, Nepal gaunja, Pokhara, Chitwan, Makawanpur, Bara, Parsa, Rauthat and other places where there are our churches. All our churches are growing in Christ and planted many churches in Nepal. God is with us and leads us in Him by the Holy Spirit.
Please pray for our needs and orphans' needs. Our orphans need study tables, chair and bed also. Also, these orphans need a computer to learn and practice the computer. Because of there are computer teachings in their courses in class.
Please pray for church's needs. Some churches of villages need church halls for worship as church services.
Pastor Prem Bayalkoti and Pastor Mangal Rai send their regards and greetings to you and your family. They are praying for you and for your family and hoping to see you in our midst. Please pray for us. I will send my trips photos and reports. I am still planing to visit east of Nepal's churches, and also China Boarder's churches next week for 11 days.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church,
Bagdol, Lalitpur,
Dear Respected Pastor Scott D.Bogard,
Re. The Orphans school progress Reports
How are you? We pray and hope that you are well. It is good to communicate time to time each other with you to share happy, joy, whatever we have in Nepal in the Lord Jesus.
We would like to send orphans school progress Reports as you are our prayer supporter in the Lord. We are sorry for delayed sending mark-sheets of orphans of final results of schools. Because of I have received Sangita Rai's result is just yesterday. Sangita Rai is passed and promoted to four classes now. And Srijana Rai, Susmita Rai, Akriti Rai, Sristi Ghalan, Sakila Ghalan are also passed and promoted to other classes, . But Sharmila Rai is failed so she is not happy with her results. She does not want to go back that school and repeated the same class 7, She joined for 3 days in previous school and her friends and teachers also not good at her as she felt ashamed. So, she is frustrated to study but we encourage her and we considered for her good future in the love of Christ. Now I have let her to join other school. She is is repeating class 7 seven in other school. We would like to let her complete S.L.C. other wife she will not have good job in her future. Please pray for her. Other 6 girls are good and happy to pass and want to go continuing previous school. And also, one new girl's named Samjhana Rai is admitted in class 5 now in the same school of our orphans go there. Samjhana Rai is with us in our children home. She is happy with us. We are looking for a sponsor for the Samjhana Rai. Her father is died some years ago. Mother and daughter are kicked out from the family because of husband died. we accepted her in our home for her good education for her good future. Now, their classes are already started. I would like to encourage them to study hard. I am sending their scanned mark-sheets please open the attached files.
I was in the villages some days in my trips to different churches in different districts according to my schedules before the rainy season. I have come back from villages from different places and churches. My trips were good and fruitfulness in the Lord. It was hot to travels and also a lot of mosquitoes bitten in night because of there is no light and net for mosquito protections. Spiritually, there are a lot blessing and encouragements in my trips. I will write more as reports later about this.
Now it is raining for 4 days’ time to time. One thing is good for rain because of farmers is happy to plant maize and vegetables etc. Other ways is not good because of muddy and flood etc. Now we have 8 girls with us. Thank you very much for your love and help to these 8 girls. We appreciate you a lot for your kind and love to them in the Lord for prayers and supports. I am waiting to hear from you again.
Brother in the Lord,
Thomas Rai,
Grace Church,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Re. The Orphans school progress Reports
How are you? We pray and hope that you are well. It is good to communicate time to time each other with you to share happy, joy, whatever we have in Nepal in the Lord Jesus.
We would like to send orphans school progress Reports as you are our prayer supporter in the Lord. We are sorry for delayed sending mark-sheets of orphans of final results of schools. Because of I have received Sangita Rai's result is just yesterday. Sangita Rai is passed and promoted to four classes now. And Srijana Rai, Susmita Rai, Akriti Rai, Sristi Ghalan, Sakila Ghalan are also passed and promoted to other classes, . But Sharmila Rai is failed so she is not happy with her results. She does not want to go back that school and repeated the same class 7, She joined for 3 days in previous school and her friends and teachers also not good at her as she felt ashamed. So, she is frustrated to study but we encourage her and we considered for her good future in the love of Christ. Now I have let her to join other school. She is is repeating class 7 seven in other school. We would like to let her complete S.L.C. other wife she will not have good job in her future. Please pray for her. Other 6 girls are good and happy to pass and want to go continuing previous school. And also, one new girl's named Samjhana Rai is admitted in class 5 now in the same school of our orphans go there. Samjhana Rai is with us in our children home. She is happy with us. We are looking for a sponsor for the Samjhana Rai. Her father is died some years ago. Mother and daughter are kicked out from the family because of husband died. we accepted her in our home for her good education for her good future. Now, their classes are already started. I would like to encourage them to study hard. I am sending their scanned mark-sheets please open the attached files.
I was in the villages some days in my trips to different churches in different districts according to my schedules before the rainy season. I have come back from villages from different places and churches. My trips were good and fruitfulness in the Lord. It was hot to travels and also a lot of mosquitoes bitten in night because of there is no light and net for mosquito protections. Spiritually, there are a lot blessing and encouragements in my trips. I will write more as reports later about this.
Now it is raining for 4 days’ time to time. One thing is good for rain because of farmers is happy to plant maize and vegetables etc. Other ways is not good because of muddy and flood etc. Now we have 8 girls with us. Thank you very much for your love and help to these 8 girls. We appreciate you a lot for your kind and love to them in the Lord for prayers and supports. I am waiting to hear from you again.
Brother in the Lord,
Thomas Rai,
Grace Church,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Dear Respected Pastor Scott Bogard, in the Lord.
Our Visiting Trip Reports of Village Churches:
Praise the Lord! It is our great privileges to share our church reports and also some experiences about our works in Nepal. We were out of Kathmandu city for the villages' trip with with some friends as our village trip and conference in Surkhet west of Nepal and Rautahat which is south of Kathmandu. We have visited many villages’ churches and had conferences there in different parts of Nepal west, and south villages from Kathmandu city to meet the pastors and leaders around there and have short fellowship with them in those churches. When we reached in Terai (plain land) areas, the weather was cool there but we enjoyed in our tour even though the ways were very long and tiring because of long driving in different places. God was with us and led us and protect us in our trips.
I would like to describe about our village tour in briefly followings:-
When we started our journey:- We have hired one Sumo Tata Jeep for 6 days and we have been on a road trip with friends. We crossed many many villages, cities, hills, rivers, jungles and plain lands with the country ranging from hills, rivers and jungle views and villages with houses of bamboo and mud. Houses and tiny villages seem to cling to the ridges on the steep hills sides, their farmland consists of terraced hills sides which make for beautiful patterns, way down below are rivers and streams, now the dry season is started here in Nepal.
On the way:- We saw that most of the village houses are of wood, built on poles with places for the water buffalo and goats to live underneath. Others are of local bricks or the Nepali version of wattle and daub—bamboo and mud, cooler inside but dark. We have been privileged to eat local different meals in many of these homes, always warmly welcomed we sit on the chairs eating rice, dal and various curries and pickle. The life of Nepali isn’t easy, the women carry water, grass, cut wood, then carry fire wood and food for the animals for long distances in baskets on their backs, oxen or water buffs pull ploughs, women sit in groups shucking corn, all around are chickens, sometimes pigs, cows, goats and dogs. It all looks beautiful, tranquil even, to us. But, of course their concerns are just like ours, a good education for their children, money worries and family stuff.
We have visited some churches in those days:- Aiming to be of some encouragement, teachings while we have been visiting pastors and churches in these out of the way places. These faithful men and women are doing an amazing job sharing God’s love. Our lives are so different, sometimes I wonder, what can we say that will encourage and strengthen them? Mostly, it just comes down to the simplicity of the gospel—because it’s this message that has the power to change everything. I mean, when I hear more about God’s love for me, his grace, his power, kindness and faithfulness, it always helps me. As someone once said, ‘preach the gospel, and the gospel happens’. It’s just that the truth of a God who is not distant and impersonal, but instead is loving and wants to be intimately involved in each of our lives, has the power to make people whole. The village pastors were shared about their past situations in their lives that many of the pastors have been persecuted different ways and beaten for their belief in such a God in the past. Yet, with joy on their faces they declare they could never back down, see, they have experienced the love of God for themselves. Our message doesn’t need to be complicated—after all the power is in its truth.
Wherever we visited we found heartily welcome and fellowships with them and we shared the word of God to them. They shared as their different prayers items to us and we prayed for them. We have found that there were a lot needs for the churches halls building. Members are growing in the churches. Many churches need to build big halls for the church services. Please pray for Nepal.
There are many tribes in the west of Nepal:- There are many tribes and languages in the west of Nepal and also other places. Those tribes are Badi, Raji, Raute, Sona, Sarki, Damai, Kami, Tharu, Giri, Gandharba, Khampa/Musahar,Chamar, and Bali tribes. Most of these tribes people are Dalit and backward people. From Hindu people’s side they are untouchable people. Some of them are Some pastors shared about their situations of surviving lives and how they survive their lives. Seems the situations are very poor, pity and sad to hear those situation.
Some Examples Followings:-
Such as Badi people (drum maker) actually they used make drums and sing and dances traditionally entertainments in the past. It was their income in the past. But there is not good business for them nowadays. The people do not invited them to sing and dance for their entertainments because of nowadays there are many TV programs and radios and FM program for these. So, they do not have jobs and income to survive. They are sufferings from hungers, so they do the prostitutions as family business. They do not have lands and not education.
Raute people:- Raute People live in jungles and look for yams, roots of plants and fruits and eat them. They do not make house properly and do not stay one place. They move to other place wherever they find the yams, roots and wild fruits etc. They children do not got to school and nor they do farming work. They say that the jungle is theirs. They do not want to come out from jungles and stay normal life like others.
Chepang(Praja):- Chepang/Kusunda live in hills, jungle and caves in different places of Nepal. They eat wild roots, yams, fruits, mushrooms etc. Nowadays, they started to farm as usual people but they do not have enough land. They are not developed people of Nepal.
Need Gospel and Plant Churches among them:- We are praying for those tribes to bring the Gospel among them. It is not easy to go there and bring the Gospel to them. First of all they are not educated means they could not read and write. They are poorest and undeveloped ones. Need to go with some social helps and give them some basic needs and start to do some development works. Some of our pastors of west are praying for them, and want to go there and preach the Gospel and plant churches among them. They have burdens and visions to preach Gospel and plant churches among them. For this we need some evangelists to send there with Gospel by the leading of Holy Spirit. We have a plan and vision to plant churches in different tribes and different places in Nepal.
After finished West of Nepal Trip, I went to other trip to other places.
Other Trip to villages:-
When we came back from the trip to west, God led me to visit other places. So, I planned and went to other villages of south from Kathmandu. I and Bal Krishna and Mangal went to Makawanpur villages. We made one church committees there. And we visit our different churches there. We did some counseling for them and encourage them to lead the churches there.
Pastors Meeting and Baptism:- Then I went to Rautahat and visited some churches there. We had a meeting there pastors around there. I preached about the roles of leaders, leaderships and to work with unity of Christians Leaders. Next day of meetings, we have baptism program there for the new Christian Believers according to our plan. I have baptized ten brothers and sisters in the small stream. They have very happy to be baptized because of they were waiting to me for this.
Our Ministries:-
Orphans Home:- We have some orphans here whom we are taking care for their good future by giving them sheltered and sending them to school for education. We are taking care as our own children for their good future who are with us. And also there are many orphans among our village churches and we want to bring some of them who are genuine needs for shelters. My wife and I would like to serve such orphans for their good future and protections. We have aims to draw these orphans in Christ. These children have already accepted the Lord Jesus in their personal lives. We can see and heard that thousands of such poorest girls and orphans girls are sold and selling them to India for prostitution. We want to protect them by giving them good education while they are young times. They are studying hard for final Exams. Please pray for their exams to succeed.
Film Shows Ministries:- We have film show program. One of effective ways to evangelize is film shows program in unreached areas. Our pastors including me are doing this programs time to time. We have 6 projectors and other equipment for these. We do this film show program in different parts of Nepal. Pastors who live in Surkhet, and Bardia, and Nepal Ganja are doing this works for evangelizing around those areas. According our experiences, we have been drawing many people in Christ in different places of Nepal. We have planted many churches because of film ministries.
Also the Pastors, who live in Janakapur, and Narayani and Bagmati Zones, are doing in different parts of Nepal. It is one of effective ways to preach the Gospel to unreached areas. We have plant the many churches in different areas of Nepal. This difficult to carry the equipment one places to show the films and also need some friends to do this ministries.
We would like to have some new projectors and its equipment for the new places. Some pastors are interested to do this ministry. Many of them asked me to provide the projectors and its equipments.
Our Prayer Requests:-
We would like to request all of you for your prayer supports to us in following prayer items: -
1) First of all I would like to request you to pray for Brother Suk Bir Rai, who is poorest man and suffering from kidney stones in both kidneys. Now he has been admitted in Teachings Hospital here in Kathmandu. He is old man with old wife. He is one of our Village Church baptized member. He is suffering from pain and doctor him that need to do operations but they do not have money to do that operation. He is landless man and no any children. Please pray for him.
2) Please pray for those tribes we want to go and send some evangelists to preach Gospel.
3) Pray for the unreached with the gospel of our living God to all places in Kingdom of God.
4) Pray for church planting of our Lord God in different places in Nepal. There are many villages there is not any churches in those areas. We want to plant church their by sending evangelists.
5) Pray for the poor orphans who are looking for home for sheltering, fooding and schooling for education.
6) Pray for the needs of pastors and evangelists especially for village pastors.
7) Pray for the tracks and booklets and NT Bibles for providing freely to non-Christians. We need lots of tracts and Nepali NT Bibles to distribute to unreached people.
We do Appreciations for your prayers and supports to our ministries:-
Finally we would like to appreciate and thank all of you very much for your kind prayers and supports to us to expand the Kingdom of God in Nepal. We would like to thank you very much for your kind support to our Grace Church Ministries, Nepal. We hope and pray that you would pray and support continuing to us to expand the Kingdom of God in Nepal in future too. You are playing great roles continuing to win the lost souls who are living in darkness by supporting our ministries of Nepal. It is our great privileges to send all the progress reports of our church activities to you time to time like this. We know that you are our great spiritual leaders and prayer supporters for us. So we need continue your great encouragements and prayer supports. We are serving the Lord as we could do by the Leading of Holy Spirit. We have experienced God in our life through our ministries. We believe that God is working continuing with you too. He will help you every areas of your life and ministries. God bless you very much richly forever in your life and in your ministries. Our God the Lord Jesus will reward all of you. Please pray for us continuing in your prayer times. God may bless your richly in your family life and ministries. We are waiting your response. Thank you.
In Him,
Thomas Rai Pastor,
Grace Church and Ministries, Nepal
P.O.Box 8975, EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Our Visiting Trip Reports of Village Churches:
Praise the Lord! It is our great privileges to share our church reports and also some experiences about our works in Nepal. We were out of Kathmandu city for the villages' trip with with some friends as our village trip and conference in Surkhet west of Nepal and Rautahat which is south of Kathmandu. We have visited many villages’ churches and had conferences there in different parts of Nepal west, and south villages from Kathmandu city to meet the pastors and leaders around there and have short fellowship with them in those churches. When we reached in Terai (plain land) areas, the weather was cool there but we enjoyed in our tour even though the ways were very long and tiring because of long driving in different places. God was with us and led us and protect us in our trips.
I would like to describe about our village tour in briefly followings:-
When we started our journey:- We have hired one Sumo Tata Jeep for 6 days and we have been on a road trip with friends. We crossed many many villages, cities, hills, rivers, jungles and plain lands with the country ranging from hills, rivers and jungle views and villages with houses of bamboo and mud. Houses and tiny villages seem to cling to the ridges on the steep hills sides, their farmland consists of terraced hills sides which make for beautiful patterns, way down below are rivers and streams, now the dry season is started here in Nepal.
On the way:- We saw that most of the village houses are of wood, built on poles with places for the water buffalo and goats to live underneath. Others are of local bricks or the Nepali version of wattle and daub—bamboo and mud, cooler inside but dark. We have been privileged to eat local different meals in many of these homes, always warmly welcomed we sit on the chairs eating rice, dal and various curries and pickle. The life of Nepali isn’t easy, the women carry water, grass, cut wood, then carry fire wood and food for the animals for long distances in baskets on their backs, oxen or water buffs pull ploughs, women sit in groups shucking corn, all around are chickens, sometimes pigs, cows, goats and dogs. It all looks beautiful, tranquil even, to us. But, of course their concerns are just like ours, a good education for their children, money worries and family stuff.
We have visited some churches in those days:- Aiming to be of some encouragement, teachings while we have been visiting pastors and churches in these out of the way places. These faithful men and women are doing an amazing job sharing God’s love. Our lives are so different, sometimes I wonder, what can we say that will encourage and strengthen them? Mostly, it just comes down to the simplicity of the gospel—because it’s this message that has the power to change everything. I mean, when I hear more about God’s love for me, his grace, his power, kindness and faithfulness, it always helps me. As someone once said, ‘preach the gospel, and the gospel happens’. It’s just that the truth of a God who is not distant and impersonal, but instead is loving and wants to be intimately involved in each of our lives, has the power to make people whole. The village pastors were shared about their past situations in their lives that many of the pastors have been persecuted different ways and beaten for their belief in such a God in the past. Yet, with joy on their faces they declare they could never back down, see, they have experienced the love of God for themselves. Our message doesn’t need to be complicated—after all the power is in its truth.
Wherever we visited we found heartily welcome and fellowships with them and we shared the word of God to them. They shared as their different prayers items to us and we prayed for them. We have found that there were a lot needs for the churches halls building. Members are growing in the churches. Many churches need to build big halls for the church services. Please pray for Nepal.
There are many tribes in the west of Nepal:- There are many tribes and languages in the west of Nepal and also other places. Those tribes are Badi, Raji, Raute, Sona, Sarki, Damai, Kami, Tharu, Giri, Gandharba, Khampa/Musahar,Chamar, and Bali tribes. Most of these tribes people are Dalit and backward people. From Hindu people’s side they are untouchable people. Some of them are Some pastors shared about their situations of surviving lives and how they survive their lives. Seems the situations are very poor, pity and sad to hear those situation.
Some Examples Followings:-
Such as Badi people (drum maker) actually they used make drums and sing and dances traditionally entertainments in the past. It was their income in the past. But there is not good business for them nowadays. The people do not invited them to sing and dance for their entertainments because of nowadays there are many TV programs and radios and FM program for these. So, they do not have jobs and income to survive. They are sufferings from hungers, so they do the prostitutions as family business. They do not have lands and not education.
Raute people:- Raute People live in jungles and look for yams, roots of plants and fruits and eat them. They do not make house properly and do not stay one place. They move to other place wherever they find the yams, roots and wild fruits etc. They children do not got to school and nor they do farming work. They say that the jungle is theirs. They do not want to come out from jungles and stay normal life like others.
Chepang(Praja):- Chepang/Kusunda live in hills, jungle and caves in different places of Nepal. They eat wild roots, yams, fruits, mushrooms etc. Nowadays, they started to farm as usual people but they do not have enough land. They are not developed people of Nepal.
Need Gospel and Plant Churches among them:- We are praying for those tribes to bring the Gospel among them. It is not easy to go there and bring the Gospel to them. First of all they are not educated means they could not read and write. They are poorest and undeveloped ones. Need to go with some social helps and give them some basic needs and start to do some development works. Some of our pastors of west are praying for them, and want to go there and preach the Gospel and plant churches among them. They have burdens and visions to preach Gospel and plant churches among them. For this we need some evangelists to send there with Gospel by the leading of Holy Spirit. We have a plan and vision to plant churches in different tribes and different places in Nepal.
After finished West of Nepal Trip, I went to other trip to other places.
Other Trip to villages:-
When we came back from the trip to west, God led me to visit other places. So, I planned and went to other villages of south from Kathmandu. I and Bal Krishna and Mangal went to Makawanpur villages. We made one church committees there. And we visit our different churches there. We did some counseling for them and encourage them to lead the churches there.
Pastors Meeting and Baptism:- Then I went to Rautahat and visited some churches there. We had a meeting there pastors around there. I preached about the roles of leaders, leaderships and to work with unity of Christians Leaders. Next day of meetings, we have baptism program there for the new Christian Believers according to our plan. I have baptized ten brothers and sisters in the small stream. They have very happy to be baptized because of they were waiting to me for this.
Our Ministries:-
Orphans Home:- We have some orphans here whom we are taking care for their good future by giving them sheltered and sending them to school for education. We are taking care as our own children for their good future who are with us. And also there are many orphans among our village churches and we want to bring some of them who are genuine needs for shelters. My wife and I would like to serve such orphans for their good future and protections. We have aims to draw these orphans in Christ. These children have already accepted the Lord Jesus in their personal lives. We can see and heard that thousands of such poorest girls and orphans girls are sold and selling them to India for prostitution. We want to protect them by giving them good education while they are young times. They are studying hard for final Exams. Please pray for their exams to succeed.
Film Shows Ministries:- We have film show program. One of effective ways to evangelize is film shows program in unreached areas. Our pastors including me are doing this programs time to time. We have 6 projectors and other equipment for these. We do this film show program in different parts of Nepal. Pastors who live in Surkhet, and Bardia, and Nepal Ganja are doing this works for evangelizing around those areas. According our experiences, we have been drawing many people in Christ in different places of Nepal. We have planted many churches because of film ministries.
Also the Pastors, who live in Janakapur, and Narayani and Bagmati Zones, are doing in different parts of Nepal. It is one of effective ways to preach the Gospel to unreached areas. We have plant the many churches in different areas of Nepal. This difficult to carry the equipment one places to show the films and also need some friends to do this ministries.
We would like to have some new projectors and its equipment for the new places. Some pastors are interested to do this ministry. Many of them asked me to provide the projectors and its equipments.
Our Prayer Requests:-
We would like to request all of you for your prayer supports to us in following prayer items: -
1) First of all I would like to request you to pray for Brother Suk Bir Rai, who is poorest man and suffering from kidney stones in both kidneys. Now he has been admitted in Teachings Hospital here in Kathmandu. He is old man with old wife. He is one of our Village Church baptized member. He is suffering from pain and doctor him that need to do operations but they do not have money to do that operation. He is landless man and no any children. Please pray for him.
2) Please pray for those tribes we want to go and send some evangelists to preach Gospel.
3) Pray for the unreached with the gospel of our living God to all places in Kingdom of God.
4) Pray for church planting of our Lord God in different places in Nepal. There are many villages there is not any churches in those areas. We want to plant church their by sending evangelists.
5) Pray for the poor orphans who are looking for home for sheltering, fooding and schooling for education.
6) Pray for the needs of pastors and evangelists especially for village pastors.
7) Pray for the tracks and booklets and NT Bibles for providing freely to non-Christians. We need lots of tracts and Nepali NT Bibles to distribute to unreached people.
We do Appreciations for your prayers and supports to our ministries:-
Finally we would like to appreciate and thank all of you very much for your kind prayers and supports to us to expand the Kingdom of God in Nepal. We would like to thank you very much for your kind support to our Grace Church Ministries, Nepal. We hope and pray that you would pray and support continuing to us to expand the Kingdom of God in Nepal in future too. You are playing great roles continuing to win the lost souls who are living in darkness by supporting our ministries of Nepal. It is our great privileges to send all the progress reports of our church activities to you time to time like this. We know that you are our great spiritual leaders and prayer supporters for us. So we need continue your great encouragements and prayer supports. We are serving the Lord as we could do by the Leading of Holy Spirit. We have experienced God in our life through our ministries. We believe that God is working continuing with you too. He will help you every areas of your life and ministries. God bless you very much richly forever in your life and in your ministries. Our God the Lord Jesus will reward all of you. Please pray for us continuing in your prayer times. God may bless your richly in your family life and ministries. We are waiting your response. Thank you.
In Him,
Thomas Rai Pastor,
Grace Church and Ministries, Nepal
P.O.Box 8975, EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Dear Respected Pastor Scott D.Bogard,
How are you? We pray for you and hope that you are well there. We are doing ministries well. We are happy to contact and communicate with you to share God’s works in the Lord all our churches activities of Nepal. Thank you for your prayer supports to our church ministries. I would like to write about Nepali Festival and the political situations of Nepal and also some of our church activities.
Satanic Hindu Festivals celebrating in Nepal:- There are two big Hindu Festivals in Nepal with a long holidays. Nowadays, people are celebrating Hindu festival. They scarified millions of goats, chickens, ducks, sheep, fellows, and other animals to worship idols gods and goddesses in Nepal during the Dasain festival .They ate all lot of meats. Nowadays dashain Festival is over and started Tihar Festival for 4 days in this festival people are performing Bhailo and Deushi songs and dances etc. house to house and door to door and collect the money from different families. Then later sisters will worship brothers and put the Tika (redmarks on forehead) of brothers and brother offer the money and some gifts to sisters etc. We Christians do not celebrate these festivals nor perform the Bhailo and Deusi songs. We pray and hope that one day they Nepali people will change more from such satanic faith to God. Let us pray for changing their faith from satanic to God the Lord Jesus Christ of Hindu people of Nepal.
Now Days of Political Elections in Nepal:- Our village churches are fine as our village pastors reports. But there are elections now days in Nepal, so, some of political minded Christians are busy for to help to political leaders. The political leaders of parties are asking votes door to door and doing different kind of activities. After 15 days will be elections in Nepal. We have not heard any Christian are involved in candidate for parliaments. Some parties want to bring back king as ruler of nation and want to make Hindu Kingdom again and want to persecute the Christians. They do not want to any Nepali be Christians. “All Nepali are Hindu and all Hindu are Nepali” Many Hindu leaders and monks from India pressing the leaders of Nepal to make Hindu Kingdom again.
But we pray and home that they will not be succeed to make Hindu Kingdom again. Some parties are not ready to neither make Hindu Kingdom again nor bring back the King for Nepal. But we Christians will not vote to Hindu kingdom supporters nor the bring back the King system. Please pray for Nepal.
Evangelists:- God is working in Nepal and drawing people in Christ. Christianity is growing in Nepal and there are planting the churches in Nepal in different parts of Nepal. We want to plant every village at least one church all over Nepal. As Lord Jesus said that the harvesting are plenty but workers are a few. So, we have to send more workers. To send workers need more evangelists who have hearts to proclaim the Gospel of God and plant the churches in different places of Nepal. We are praying and hoping that God will provide some sponsors for the evangelists.
Orphanage:- We have orphanage where we are taking care 7 orphans. There are thousands of orphans suffering in Nepal who are struggling to survive for their lives. We can see them they are too young but they are working as house servants and servants in small restaurants and some are cows, buffalo’s, and goats shepherds in different families in villages and cities too. So, we have hearts to take care such orphans if the Lord leads us. Also we have targets to bring them in Christ for their eternal lives. We are praying and trying to bring more orphans in our children home next year.
Need to do some social works:- We have many poorest families among the village churches some are really needed and helpless old widows and struggling to survive because of their children have forsaken ones. Some of them came to church with hoping the after their life they will have eternal life and peace in heaven. Sometimes they becomes sick but they not have money to go to hospital but they come to church for healings from their sickness by God. We church Christians have to encourage them to live in Christ peacefully their rest of lives.
Film Ministries:- We do film show programs in different places in villages and cities church to churches, in open areas, schools and house to house to proclaim the Gospel of God with different Christian films. This is very effective way to proclaim the Gospel of God and draw the people in Christ. We can see that hundreds of people are saved because of film shows in different parts of Nepal through the films ministries.
Planning to visit villages and village churches after the election:- I am planning to visit again to our village churches in different districts after over these festival and election. My heart and mind are for the expanding the Kingdom of God not interest for the political matters. But we Christians will vote some leaders who are really good leaders and Religious freedom in Nepal.
Need to make some church halls in villages:- As serving the Lord and proclaiming the Gospel of God, there are growing the kingdom of God and planting the churches in Nepal. There are needed to build the church halls for church services in different places of Nepal. Some old churches hall became small and need to rebuild wider and bigger halls. So, nowadays, need of making church halls also growing. Some pastors have requested for helping to make church halls and complete the church halls etc. Because of the church numbers are growing and growing and need bigger halls.
We do Appreciations for your prayers and supports to our ministries:-
We would like to thank all of you very much for your kind practical support with your prayer and leading by the Holy Spirit. You are playing a great role for Nepal to expand the Kingdom of God. We hope and pray that you would pray and support continuing to us to expand the Kingdom of God in Nepal in future too. We thank again for playing great roles continuing to win the lost souls who are living in darkness by supporting our ministries of Nepal. It is our great privileges to send all the progress reports of our church activities to you time to time like this. We know that you are our great spiritual leaders and prayer supporters for us. So we need continue your great encouragements and prayer supports. We believe that God is working continuing with you too. He will help you every areas of your life and ministries. God bless you very much richly forever in your life and in your ministries. Our God the Lord Jesus will reward all of you. Please pray for us continuing in your prayer times. God may bless you richly in your family and ministries. Thank you.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church, Bagdol 4,
P.O.Box 8975, EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Photos from churches in the area, Orphanage, and orphans
Nepal Update - April 17, 2013
Dear Respected Brother Ps.Scott D.Bogard,
Thank you very much for your emails. I am happy to hear from you. Thank you very much for your prayer for us. We pray for you . God is with you and loves you. He never leave us. I was sick and now, I am totally recovered from my injured which was on head by falling flower pot of neighbour. God healed my wound and continuing to serve the Lord. Thank you very much for your praying for us and our ministries of Nepal. We need your prayer supports and encouragements. We pray for you and for your ministries.
Our churches growing and growing in Nepal specially in village areas. We need to encourage to the village leaders and believers to grow in Christ in their daily lives. There are a lot of challenges for us to lead the churches here. The Hindu people of Nepal are not happy for the growing Christians in Nepal. They give some troubles sometimes. Hindu people want to make Hindu country again in the constitution. The political people are all Hindu people but the Communist party specially Maoists want to make religion free for Nepal.
Pray for one two Brothers who are at risky situation in Malaysia. Our some village church members went to work in different countries. Two of them are at risky situation now. They are now in Malaysia. Some local Malay people attacked to Nepal people there. They come with knives and guns and beaten the Nepali people there. Some of them were fainted by beating from Malaysian. They took all the money from them what they earned there. They always threaten and want to kill them. These two brothers want to come to Nepal but they could not come back because of if the Malay people met them, they may killed them on the way. The company where they work they do not care them. The Nepali Embassy also very far from there. Their parents and wives are weeping in Nepal. There is no safe for them.
Pray for village church needs:- We are making two church hall in the villages. The constructing works not finished yet. We started to build it with small budget by faith. They finished all the budget. Now, the construction work is stopped with small budgets for the zink roof. We hope that God will provide all need for these church halls.
Orphans are passed their Final Exams:- It happy to inform you about our orphans whom we are taking here in my house. They have passed their exam now. They upgraded from class 6 to 7 class named Sharmila Rai, class 3 to class 4 named Susmita Rai and Srijana Rai and one blind Sangita Rai passed class 2 to 3 class. We have brought one new girl named Sristi Ghalan. She admitted in class three from yesterday in school. I am looking for sponsor for her. Now we have five orphan girls with us in our children home. I would like to request you if anyone wants to support such orphans please let them to know about this. We would like to request you please find out such sponsors in our area.
There are many orphans in our church ministerial areas who are helpless and needy orphans. Specially such orphan girls are very risky situations because of some people may buy and sold them in India for prostitution. We would like to bring many orphans in our children home in the future if we find sponsors.
As daily newspapers says, there are thousands of girls and orphans are sold in Indian by their guardians, husbands, parents and by others. Nepali is very poor country in the world. This is very sad news for us to hear like this situation in Nepal. So, we want to help/protect them for such orphans for their good future by sheltering and giving them good educations. Please pray for them.
Thank you. I would like to hear from you.
In Him,
Ps. Thomas Rai
Grace Church Ministries, Nepal, Bagdol, Lalitpur,
P.O.Box 8975,
EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Thank you very much for your emails. I am happy to hear from you. Thank you very much for your prayer for us. We pray for you . God is with you and loves you. He never leave us. I was sick and now, I am totally recovered from my injured which was on head by falling flower pot of neighbour. God healed my wound and continuing to serve the Lord. Thank you very much for your praying for us and our ministries of Nepal. We need your prayer supports and encouragements. We pray for you and for your ministries.
Our churches growing and growing in Nepal specially in village areas. We need to encourage to the village leaders and believers to grow in Christ in their daily lives. There are a lot of challenges for us to lead the churches here. The Hindu people of Nepal are not happy for the growing Christians in Nepal. They give some troubles sometimes. Hindu people want to make Hindu country again in the constitution. The political people are all Hindu people but the Communist party specially Maoists want to make religion free for Nepal.
Pray for one two Brothers who are at risky situation in Malaysia. Our some village church members went to work in different countries. Two of them are at risky situation now. They are now in Malaysia. Some local Malay people attacked to Nepal people there. They come with knives and guns and beaten the Nepali people there. Some of them were fainted by beating from Malaysian. They took all the money from them what they earned there. They always threaten and want to kill them. These two brothers want to come to Nepal but they could not come back because of if the Malay people met them, they may killed them on the way. The company where they work they do not care them. The Nepali Embassy also very far from there. Their parents and wives are weeping in Nepal. There is no safe for them.
Pray for village church needs:- We are making two church hall in the villages. The constructing works not finished yet. We started to build it with small budget by faith. They finished all the budget. Now, the construction work is stopped with small budgets for the zink roof. We hope that God will provide all need for these church halls.
Orphans are passed their Final Exams:- It happy to inform you about our orphans whom we are taking here in my house. They have passed their exam now. They upgraded from class 6 to 7 class named Sharmila Rai, class 3 to class 4 named Susmita Rai and Srijana Rai and one blind Sangita Rai passed class 2 to 3 class. We have brought one new girl named Sristi Ghalan. She admitted in class three from yesterday in school. I am looking for sponsor for her. Now we have five orphan girls with us in our children home. I would like to request you if anyone wants to support such orphans please let them to know about this. We would like to request you please find out such sponsors in our area.
There are many orphans in our church ministerial areas who are helpless and needy orphans. Specially such orphan girls are very risky situations because of some people may buy and sold them in India for prostitution. We would like to bring many orphans in our children home in the future if we find sponsors.
As daily newspapers says, there are thousands of girls and orphans are sold in Indian by their guardians, husbands, parents and by others. Nepali is very poor country in the world. This is very sad news for us to hear like this situation in Nepal. So, we want to help/protect them for such orphans for their good future by sheltering and giving them good educations. Please pray for them.
Thank you. I would like to hear from you.
In Him,
Ps. Thomas Rai
Grace Church Ministries, Nepal, Bagdol, Lalitpur,
P.O.Box 8975,
EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Nepal Update - March 27, 2013
Dear Respected Spiritual Pastor Scott D.Bogard,
Thank you very much for your praying for us. We are also praying for you and for your school. We are well here now. But I am sorry for not writing email or not responding your email because of I was injured on head because of suddenly a Flower pot failed down on head in my Uncle’s house from his neighbor’s house roof while we gathered around water well and praying and opening uncle’s new water well. My uncle invited me to pray for the water and well . We were praying with thanks to God and committee everything’s to God’s hands. During prayer time, a small piece of stone failed down on zink room of Uncle’s store room. After praying finished, when we opened the lead of well to pull out bucket of water, at that time suddenly failed down flower pot on my head. I was almost faint there. But I came in sense soon. It was very said situation for uncle family with me. I was not well for sometimes with dizzy and headache and swollen head. I am getting better now. I thank God for saving me from the bad injured. Now, I am normal. No need to worry about me. God is with me. I think it is not time for me to leave this world. God needs to use me for His works in Nepal. I am happy for His works in me until now.
Later I read the Bible from Mat.1029-31. Jesus said that we are the worth then Sparrow. The worthless Sparrow do not fail down without will of God. We are worth then sparrow. So, there was not will of God for me to up at that time. Like this God confront me from the Bible. I sensed God how much God cares me during the Evil ones attacked timing. Praise the Lord.
By the Grace of God, I am still alive in the Lord and living and walking in the Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to request you please pray for our church ministries. Thank you very much for your regular prayer supports to our ministries. We need your encouragements like this. We thank you and appreciate you for your supports to us.
Thank you for your prayer. We hope that you pray for us. We are waiting to hear from you.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church, Bagdol, Lalitpur,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Thank you very much for your praying for us. We are also praying for you and for your school. We are well here now. But I am sorry for not writing email or not responding your email because of I was injured on head because of suddenly a Flower pot failed down on head in my Uncle’s house from his neighbor’s house roof while we gathered around water well and praying and opening uncle’s new water well. My uncle invited me to pray for the water and well . We were praying with thanks to God and committee everything’s to God’s hands. During prayer time, a small piece of stone failed down on zink room of Uncle’s store room. After praying finished, when we opened the lead of well to pull out bucket of water, at that time suddenly failed down flower pot on my head. I was almost faint there. But I came in sense soon. It was very said situation for uncle family with me. I was not well for sometimes with dizzy and headache and swollen head. I am getting better now. I thank God for saving me from the bad injured. Now, I am normal. No need to worry about me. God is with me. I think it is not time for me to leave this world. God needs to use me for His works in Nepal. I am happy for His works in me until now.
Later I read the Bible from Mat.1029-31. Jesus said that we are the worth then Sparrow. The worthless Sparrow do not fail down without will of God. We are worth then sparrow. So, there was not will of God for me to up at that time. Like this God confront me from the Bible. I sensed God how much God cares me during the Evil ones attacked timing. Praise the Lord.
By the Grace of God, I am still alive in the Lord and living and walking in the Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to request you please pray for our church ministries. Thank you very much for your regular prayer supports to our ministries. We need your encouragements like this. We thank you and appreciate you for your supports to us.
Thank you for your prayer. We hope that you pray for us. We are waiting to hear from you.
In Him,
Thomas Rai
Grace Church, Bagdol, Lalitpur,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Nepal Update - September 26, 2012
Dear Respected Pastor Scott Bogard,
Warm Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
How are you? We are praying and hoping that you are well and praying for us. We are doing well here for the Lord’s works from our hearts. God is with you and with us and leading us by the Holy Spirit.
I was out of Kathmandu for my works of film shows in the village program. At that times, I was in Pokhara fellowship with my pastors friends there. Now, I have comeback to Kathmandu from the village trips. I was invited different Churches for the Film shows programs and other evangelical works in Pokhara in Kaski district and Dhading district. It was good trip to those villages. I have encouraged many village church pastors and leaders. We have distributed some Bibles, tracks and proclaim the Gospel of God to the unreached people. Three of them accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour. Amen.
There were many people of presented to the see the Christian Films in our programs village churches. Some backslide Christians also come back to the Lord again in those villages as the village pastors said to me.
The ways of villages are very difficult to walk on hills and cross the rivers there. There are many landslides and risky places for us because of there were raining and flood there. But God is with us and save us from the dangerous situations.
I have found there the village pastors and leaders are very needy and wants more encouragements and little helps for their family.
I have received all the reports from different churches of Nepal. Our Pastors and leaders are still serving the Lord in different places to win the unreached and lead them in Christ. Christ is using them to lead the village churches. Christians were growing in the Lord in the villages.
Some Pastors requested me to provide some funds for the church halls building. But I do not have any such funds with me. There are some places who needs some helps to build the church halls in the villages. We were requested by them to help them for providing at least zink Patas for the roof of church halls. It is still rains here in Nepal but some church hall are licking the water in halls because of old zink patas on roofs.
Our Makawanpur and Rautahat village churches Reports:-
Ps, Mangal Rai has completed his church building now. He has plastered the inside walls and painted walls. But outside still not painted. He needs some fund for the buying carpets for the hall. Because of his old carpets are too old and torn carpets.
Pastor Dukhwa Rai of Hattidhunga Church is painted hall and bought the carpets for the church halls. There are having the church hall on carpets. There are happy and thanks you for your helps.
Pastor Chandra Rai of Raigaun Church has maintained the church house by putting windows and plaster of hall and did other maintenance works from that budgets has he said. He is happy and having church services there every weeks and other days too.
Pastor Bishnu Rai of Majha Gaun Church, reports that he was supposed to start the maintaining the works of his church hall but last July the flood from hill destroyed more that church hall. The water goes there directly at church house so, he and his church leaders are looking places to build church hall other place. He said that he will build church hall other place because of there is flood went directly and destroyed church hall and church area.
Pastor Chaite Rai of Simara Church said that there is some land problem of church area. Because of the land is belong to some one's name. He is fearless Christian man of that church. but like this problems making. He is giving some problems means does not want to registered the land in church's name. His church lands is someone’s name until now.
Pastor Prem Rai of Karaunje Church said that, there was also land problems because of that land owner sold the land in cheap price according to present price. But now, the land price is every expensive in present time. That land is not the government registered in him name and nor the church name. But he said he took only Rs. 4000 rupees at that time in many many years ago for the all the piece of land. So, we built the wooden house for church at that time. So, that past owner is greedy for the money, he wanted to sell the land of half of that. So, he sold a half of the Land of church land to non-Christian man. Now we have left some lands only there, where there is church hall. We did not made proper paper at that time because of he is Christian and used to say he does not make bad works. But now he sold some of land from the piece of church land to other. Now, we have made a paper from him to church name. Satan worked in his heart and cheat the Lord. Now, it seems that God has punished him, he has some looks skin cancer and his son's got paralyze getting treatment. The money what he sold from church land, he has finished all the money and still not enough for him for treatment from that money. Please pray for this.
Pastor Prem Bayalkoti from Surkhet of west of Nepal, reports that he is fine and leading the churches in the west of Nepal. He has 9 sister churches in different places as he reports. He got some problems in his trips to village churches from Surkhet city. Because of he travelled to villages where there are many rivers, hills and forests crossing. But he is happy to serve the Lord.
Please pray for the orphans:- There are many helpless orphans in our village churches areas. We want to bring more of them to our children for their shelter and education in the future but we do not have resources for them to care. Please pray for them.
I would like to request that you may provide funds for the church hall of Mari Church which is across the river of Karaunje church in Sindhuli. There is need of church hall in Mari Village. There are some Christians who gather in church service in one of Christian family’s house. But Christians are growing there. So, they said that they also need church hall for the church service. Please pray for this.
Also church funds for Gaidatar Church. Pastor Bijaya Rai is leading the Gaidatar church, his church hall is small and very old. so, he has started to make house but stop now because of lack of funds. So you may provide some funds for the Gaidatar Church too.
I am going to village again in coming Sunday if the time fever me for a week to encourage our village pastors and leaders.
Thank you very much for your kind prayers and love and care to our Church ministries. We are very encouraged from you and helped by you. God may reward you and bless you richly in your life. I will write you reports time to time to let you know more in the future activities in the Lord.
I would like to hear from you.
Thank you.
In Him,
Ps. Thomas Rai,
Grace Church, Bagdol, Lalitpur,
P.O.Box 8975, EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Telephone: 9941421408 Mob.
Telephone 5015079 (Residence)
Email. [email protected]
Email. [email protected]
Warm Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
How are you? We are praying and hoping that you are well and praying for us. We are doing well here for the Lord’s works from our hearts. God is with you and with us and leading us by the Holy Spirit.
I was out of Kathmandu for my works of film shows in the village program. At that times, I was in Pokhara fellowship with my pastors friends there. Now, I have comeback to Kathmandu from the village trips. I was invited different Churches for the Film shows programs and other evangelical works in Pokhara in Kaski district and Dhading district. It was good trip to those villages. I have encouraged many village church pastors and leaders. We have distributed some Bibles, tracks and proclaim the Gospel of God to the unreached people. Three of them accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour. Amen.
There were many people of presented to the see the Christian Films in our programs village churches. Some backslide Christians also come back to the Lord again in those villages as the village pastors said to me.
The ways of villages are very difficult to walk on hills and cross the rivers there. There are many landslides and risky places for us because of there were raining and flood there. But God is with us and save us from the dangerous situations.
I have found there the village pastors and leaders are very needy and wants more encouragements and little helps for their family.
I have received all the reports from different churches of Nepal. Our Pastors and leaders are still serving the Lord in different places to win the unreached and lead them in Christ. Christ is using them to lead the village churches. Christians were growing in the Lord in the villages.
Some Pastors requested me to provide some funds for the church halls building. But I do not have any such funds with me. There are some places who needs some helps to build the church halls in the villages. We were requested by them to help them for providing at least zink Patas for the roof of church halls. It is still rains here in Nepal but some church hall are licking the water in halls because of old zink patas on roofs.
Our Makawanpur and Rautahat village churches Reports:-
Ps, Mangal Rai has completed his church building now. He has plastered the inside walls and painted walls. But outside still not painted. He needs some fund for the buying carpets for the hall. Because of his old carpets are too old and torn carpets.
Pastor Dukhwa Rai of Hattidhunga Church is painted hall and bought the carpets for the church halls. There are having the church hall on carpets. There are happy and thanks you for your helps.
Pastor Chandra Rai of Raigaun Church has maintained the church house by putting windows and plaster of hall and did other maintenance works from that budgets has he said. He is happy and having church services there every weeks and other days too.
Pastor Bishnu Rai of Majha Gaun Church, reports that he was supposed to start the maintaining the works of his church hall but last July the flood from hill destroyed more that church hall. The water goes there directly at church house so, he and his church leaders are looking places to build church hall other place. He said that he will build church hall other place because of there is flood went directly and destroyed church hall and church area.
Pastor Chaite Rai of Simara Church said that there is some land problem of church area. Because of the land is belong to some one's name. He is fearless Christian man of that church. but like this problems making. He is giving some problems means does not want to registered the land in church's name. His church lands is someone’s name until now.
Pastor Prem Rai of Karaunje Church said that, there was also land problems because of that land owner sold the land in cheap price according to present price. But now, the land price is every expensive in present time. That land is not the government registered in him name and nor the church name. But he said he took only Rs. 4000 rupees at that time in many many years ago for the all the piece of land. So, we built the wooden house for church at that time. So, that past owner is greedy for the money, he wanted to sell the land of half of that. So, he sold a half of the Land of church land to non-Christian man. Now we have left some lands only there, where there is church hall. We did not made proper paper at that time because of he is Christian and used to say he does not make bad works. But now he sold some of land from the piece of church land to other. Now, we have made a paper from him to church name. Satan worked in his heart and cheat the Lord. Now, it seems that God has punished him, he has some looks skin cancer and his son's got paralyze getting treatment. The money what he sold from church land, he has finished all the money and still not enough for him for treatment from that money. Please pray for this.
Pastor Prem Bayalkoti from Surkhet of west of Nepal, reports that he is fine and leading the churches in the west of Nepal. He has 9 sister churches in different places as he reports. He got some problems in his trips to village churches from Surkhet city. Because of he travelled to villages where there are many rivers, hills and forests crossing. But he is happy to serve the Lord.
Please pray for the orphans:- There are many helpless orphans in our village churches areas. We want to bring more of them to our children for their shelter and education in the future but we do not have resources for them to care. Please pray for them.
I would like to request that you may provide funds for the church hall of Mari Church which is across the river of Karaunje church in Sindhuli. There is need of church hall in Mari Village. There are some Christians who gather in church service in one of Christian family’s house. But Christians are growing there. So, they said that they also need church hall for the church service. Please pray for this.
Also church funds for Gaidatar Church. Pastor Bijaya Rai is leading the Gaidatar church, his church hall is small and very old. so, he has started to make house but stop now because of lack of funds. So you may provide some funds for the Gaidatar Church too.
I am going to village again in coming Sunday if the time fever me for a week to encourage our village pastors and leaders.
Thank you very much for your kind prayers and love and care to our Church ministries. We are very encouraged from you and helped by you. God may reward you and bless you richly in your life. I will write you reports time to time to let you know more in the future activities in the Lord.
I would like to hear from you.
Thank you.
In Him,
Ps. Thomas Rai,
Grace Church, Bagdol, Lalitpur,
P.O.Box 8975, EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Telephone: 9941421408 Mob.
Telephone 5015079 (Residence)
Email. [email protected]
Email. [email protected]
Nepal Update - June 6, 2012
Dear Respected Pastor Scott D.Bogard,
Thank you for your reports and week’s article. I am encouraged by know your works in the Lord. Now I would like to send of our work activities.
It is a great privilege to write you about our church report time to time whatever situation with us. We are walking, living and serving the Lord joyfully from our hearts as we could do by the leading of Holy Spirit. I have been receiving progress reports every our churches from different parts of Nepal. Our pastors are very actives and serving the Lord from their hearts in those areas. God is doing miracles and drawing the people in Him through the miracles. We are sensing and seeing The God’s healing to people. Our villages’ people of Nepal are very poor and unhealthy they do the farming hard works in their fields for surviving. When they become sick they have to go to hospital because of expensive medical expenses people could not afford the hospital bills so, they depend and do have traditional healers (Witchcrafts) and sacrificed the goats, chickens, ducks etc. for healing. But they do not healed by the doing such works. Finally, people came to church for prayers for healings. We Christians share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Gospel has power as Rom 1:16 says. They do accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. God start to do miracles in their life and heals them. So, people are increasing in Christ in Nepal day by day.
For example:
My 5 days trip to village churches:- I was outside for 5 days for the church ministerial works. I went to village churches to baptize, preaching and encouraging them. Our village churches are still growing and growing. I have baptized some brothers and sisters there.
1) God healed to Suresh Chaudhari who has baptized last week when I was in village. Suresh Chaudhari was carpenter for his past live and earning money. He became sick unable to move and walk. He spent all his property for medications for not cure and nothing improved in his life. He went to witchcrafts for healing but not healed. He gave many goats, chickens, ducks for sacrifice for healing by the Hindu gods and goddesses but not healed. Finally, his relatives came to contact our village church and brought him to church. Our village pastor and leaders prayed for him. He healed now. He can walk with stick and improved more in his health. So, he and wife are baptized last week from us.
2) One Miracles happened in village. We have visited Gurujee village, Pipal Mandi VDC, in Sindhuli District next to Makawanpur District, where there is our new home church. There 26 members now. One sister in Christ, named Sarmila Rai with aged 29 years, was bitten green snake which hand was big swollen. She was very afraid to die. I preached the word of God from the Bible to her before we pray for her from Mark 16:18 and Act. 28:1-6 about snake biting Apostle Paul. We prayed for her for healing. After prayer I asked her how is now? Is It still pain? She said that during prayer she sensed as some strikes like a current sucks and after prayer finished she said that her pain is gone out and can to move her hand and finger properly. Before prayer she could not move hands and fingers on that hand. Until now she is better as I contact to her husband. No more pain and swollen. This family is very new Christians in that village. Also I have asked his husband to bring her hospital too. Praise the Lord.
One family came back from False (cults) church:- I have received the call from Rajkumar Pariyar 3 days ago said that Pastor We all family will come again in your church. We are already in false Group. We do not want to go that false church. Your church is true church now we are misleading by them. Please let us come to your church again. I told him you could come back again with whole family. You are welcome. Now this family came back to our church again.
There are many cult groups in Nepal. Our one of church member was convinced by the cults and stole our one family named RajKumar Pariyar one and half years ago with 12 members in his family. They are very poor family and that cult groups assured them to help. That false group entered his family and convinced them and brought them to their church. Brother Rajkumar and his family, found different and different teachings from them and when they become sick they did not pray for healings. They used to said they are only true Christians and Jesus came in Korea, went to back to heaven and again Jesus is coming in 2012 A.D. will destroyed earth. All false (those Christians) will be in Jesus Kingdom in New earth and other will be in hell etc. teachings.
There is some family who went some false churches too. We are praying and waiting to come back. Hopefully, they will come back with us again like Brother Rajkumar Pariyar’s family.
Please pray for our church ministries more:- We can see that God is working with us and also Satan also trying to disturbed to our church. The Satan is working actively through cult groups in Nepal. Cult groups are very actives, and making confused the Nepali people including common Christians. So, we need more and more true teachings for Nepal. We have to teach truer Bible’s teachings to our church members. Within Our village churches need more prayer supports. We do more hard works for the sake of Lord and expand the kingdom of God in Nepal and strengthened them in the Lord. We are getting succeeded to plant churches in different parts of Nepal. We are serving the Lord joyfully and leading by the Holy Spirit.
Finally we would like to thank you very much for your kind prayers and supports to our Grace Church & Ministries, Nepal. . We appreciate you a lot for your kind hearts. God will bless you and reward you. We are serving the Lord as we could do by the Leading of Holy Spirit. We have a lot of experiences God in our life through our church ministries. We are praying and hoping that God will lead continuing every one of us by the Holy Spirit. We will keep writing reports with some information of our church ministerial activities from our side in the future too. Thank you very much for your kind prayers and support us in the Lords works from your side as you could do leading by the Holy Spirit. God may bless your richly in your family life and ministries. Thank you.
In Him,
Yours truly,
Pastor Thomas Rai,
Grace Church and Ministries, Bagdol, Lalitpur,
P.O.Box 8975,
EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Thank you for your reports and week’s article. I am encouraged by know your works in the Lord. Now I would like to send of our work activities.
It is a great privilege to write you about our church report time to time whatever situation with us. We are walking, living and serving the Lord joyfully from our hearts as we could do by the leading of Holy Spirit. I have been receiving progress reports every our churches from different parts of Nepal. Our pastors are very actives and serving the Lord from their hearts in those areas. God is doing miracles and drawing the people in Him through the miracles. We are sensing and seeing The God’s healing to people. Our villages’ people of Nepal are very poor and unhealthy they do the farming hard works in their fields for surviving. When they become sick they have to go to hospital because of expensive medical expenses people could not afford the hospital bills so, they depend and do have traditional healers (Witchcrafts) and sacrificed the goats, chickens, ducks etc. for healing. But they do not healed by the doing such works. Finally, people came to church for prayers for healings. We Christians share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Gospel has power as Rom 1:16 says. They do accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. God start to do miracles in their life and heals them. So, people are increasing in Christ in Nepal day by day.
For example:
My 5 days trip to village churches:- I was outside for 5 days for the church ministerial works. I went to village churches to baptize, preaching and encouraging them. Our village churches are still growing and growing. I have baptized some brothers and sisters there.
1) God healed to Suresh Chaudhari who has baptized last week when I was in village. Suresh Chaudhari was carpenter for his past live and earning money. He became sick unable to move and walk. He spent all his property for medications for not cure and nothing improved in his life. He went to witchcrafts for healing but not healed. He gave many goats, chickens, ducks for sacrifice for healing by the Hindu gods and goddesses but not healed. Finally, his relatives came to contact our village church and brought him to church. Our village pastor and leaders prayed for him. He healed now. He can walk with stick and improved more in his health. So, he and wife are baptized last week from us.
2) One Miracles happened in village. We have visited Gurujee village, Pipal Mandi VDC, in Sindhuli District next to Makawanpur District, where there is our new home church. There 26 members now. One sister in Christ, named Sarmila Rai with aged 29 years, was bitten green snake which hand was big swollen. She was very afraid to die. I preached the word of God from the Bible to her before we pray for her from Mark 16:18 and Act. 28:1-6 about snake biting Apostle Paul. We prayed for her for healing. After prayer I asked her how is now? Is It still pain? She said that during prayer she sensed as some strikes like a current sucks and after prayer finished she said that her pain is gone out and can to move her hand and finger properly. Before prayer she could not move hands and fingers on that hand. Until now she is better as I contact to her husband. No more pain and swollen. This family is very new Christians in that village. Also I have asked his husband to bring her hospital too. Praise the Lord.
One family came back from False (cults) church:- I have received the call from Rajkumar Pariyar 3 days ago said that Pastor We all family will come again in your church. We are already in false Group. We do not want to go that false church. Your church is true church now we are misleading by them. Please let us come to your church again. I told him you could come back again with whole family. You are welcome. Now this family came back to our church again.
There are many cult groups in Nepal. Our one of church member was convinced by the cults and stole our one family named RajKumar Pariyar one and half years ago with 12 members in his family. They are very poor family and that cult groups assured them to help. That false group entered his family and convinced them and brought them to their church. Brother Rajkumar and his family, found different and different teachings from them and when they become sick they did not pray for healings. They used to said they are only true Christians and Jesus came in Korea, went to back to heaven and again Jesus is coming in 2012 A.D. will destroyed earth. All false (those Christians) will be in Jesus Kingdom in New earth and other will be in hell etc. teachings.
There is some family who went some false churches too. We are praying and waiting to come back. Hopefully, they will come back with us again like Brother Rajkumar Pariyar’s family.
Please pray for our church ministries more:- We can see that God is working with us and also Satan also trying to disturbed to our church. The Satan is working actively through cult groups in Nepal. Cult groups are very actives, and making confused the Nepali people including common Christians. So, we need more and more true teachings for Nepal. We have to teach truer Bible’s teachings to our church members. Within Our village churches need more prayer supports. We do more hard works for the sake of Lord and expand the kingdom of God in Nepal and strengthened them in the Lord. We are getting succeeded to plant churches in different parts of Nepal. We are serving the Lord joyfully and leading by the Holy Spirit.
Finally we would like to thank you very much for your kind prayers and supports to our Grace Church & Ministries, Nepal. . We appreciate you a lot for your kind hearts. God will bless you and reward you. We are serving the Lord as we could do by the Leading of Holy Spirit. We have a lot of experiences God in our life through our church ministries. We are praying and hoping that God will lead continuing every one of us by the Holy Spirit. We will keep writing reports with some information of our church ministerial activities from our side in the future too. Thank you very much for your kind prayers and support us in the Lords works from your side as you could do leading by the Holy Spirit. God may bless your richly in your family life and ministries. Thank you.
In Him,
Yours truly,
Pastor Thomas Rai,
Grace Church and Ministries, Bagdol, Lalitpur,
P.O.Box 8975,
EPC. 397,
Kathmandu, Nepal